Home » Benefits of Joining a Mastermind Group

What benefits will I get from joining a mastermind group?

As Napoleon Hill says, “A goal is a dream with a deadline”. A mastermind group will not only hold you to a deadline, but the group will help you create an action plan to implement your goals and meet your deadline, inspire you, support you, and hold you accountable!

Here are some other benefits:

  • You will finally articulate your goals and desires and create a solid action plan to implement your success
  • Get honest, but constructive feedback and advice
  • Use the power of brainstorming to let the group help you solve problems, make decisions and get ideas
  • Members don’t have limiting beliefs or thoughts about you
  • Members are committed to your success
  • Learn from the experience of the other members and get inspired by their successes
  • Build confidence in yourself and your business
  • Get essential insights into yourself and your business
  • Strengthen your business and personal skills
  • Get an immediate support network

How do I know if it’s time to join a mastermind group?

  • If you are ready be successful
  • If you will take action to get that success
  • If you are willing to both ASK for help as well as GIVE help
  • If you can commit to attending teleconference mastermind meetings

How often are meetings? What is the schedule?

We meet for 90 minutes, every two weeks via Zoom web conferencing.
There is also an online message forum available via Facebook for mastermind members to communicate, ask questions, brainstorm, share, and hold each other accountable between meetings.

Can meetings over the web really be as powerful as meetings in person?

Absolutely! Web-based groups are strong, cohesive and powerful.

What are meetings like? What happens in a meeting?

Here is what happens in a Mastermind group. Who wants to play?


This is not a class or a training program. Each meeting is focused on helping the mastermind members in whatever way is most critical and key. It may be help to tackle a challenge, solve a problem, make a decision, create an action plan, or brainstorm. It is up to each member to bring whatever is most important to you that week.

When is the next mastermind group forming?

We will  start two new groups each month – one that meets during the day and the other that meets in the evening. Each group is limited to 6-10 people so that everyone can participate fully and get tremendous value from the experience.

If you are anxious to get started, you can always fill out an application to join an existing mastermind group. There will be a period of “getting up to speed” with the other members, establishing trust, and learning the etiquette of the group, but it can be immediately productive for someone who is ready to “jump in” and start working on their success and grow their career or business.

Why do you let new members join already existing groups?

If a mastermind has lost a member or two, energy can sometimes start to flag. A new member can add inspiration, a different perspective and bring fresh energy to an already existing group.

What topics can I bring up in a meeting or on the forum?

Anything related to your business, both practical questions and self-development topics:

  • marketing questions and help with specific marketing techniques
  • a request for people to review a new page on your website
  • how to deal with a difficult client, colleague, employee, or boss
  • setting fees for services
  • getting recognized at work, setting boundaries and creating a productive work environment
  • creating new product or service ideas
  • dealing with frustration and time constraints
  • creating an overall and effective vision for your business
  • designing programs for your service business
  • finding joint venture partners
  • working on your “big picture”
  • figuring out where you’re self-sabotaging your own success
  • keeping motivated when you’re overwhelmed
  • whatever it is that is keeping you from creating abundance in your business and your life!

How many people are in each mastermind group?

Each mastermind group is limited to 6-10 people. In a mastermind group as Napoleon Hill defines it, everyone is given time at each and every meeting to talk about their business situation. If the group is too large then not everyone will be able to participate and work deeply on their challenges and ideas.

What will my time commitment be for mastermind work and meetings?

Attending Zoom meetings and participation are required! If you’re not there, then you and the other members are all short-changed. The meetings occur every two weeks and are 90 minutes long. Once you are accepted into a mastermind group, open up your calendar and mark those appointments immediately so that you don’t forget them or schedule something in their place by mistake.

In addition to the Web-conferences, your participation in the online message forum is also strongly encouraged. Please expect to spend an hour minimum per week on the message forum or doing mastermind work.

How long does the mastermind meet for? 3 months? 6 months?

You will be required to commit for 3 months. That helps weed out people who are not serious about their success. Also, that is long enough to build trust with the other members and see positive (and probably dramatic) results from the mastermind meetings.

After the first 3 months, the group transitions to pay as you go group whereby if you chose to leave you may or you can stay and reap the benefits of a mastermind group for years to come.

How will new members join after a mastermind is already up and running?

If a spot in a group becomes available, we will review applications as they are submitted to find a good match for the chemistry of the existing mastermind. Only if the group drops below 3 people does the group dynamic seem to suffer any consequences.

Is a mastermind group like a class or a “coaching” program?

No, it is not like a class, but you will learn a lot! There is no pre-defined curriculum or agenda of topics; instead, it’s customized for your needs. You bring your own agenda to each meeting. You decide what’s most important to talk about at that meeting based on what’s going on with your business in that particular moment in time.

A mastermind group is not like traditional group coaching, because there is a lot more focus on you and the other members finding creative solutions and results to your specific lives and businesses. There are no generalizations about success or action plans, but instead concrete work on what each member wants and needs from the group whether it be brainstorming, consulting, training, support, action planning, or a “kick in the pants”.

Is a mastermind group like a networking or referral group?

No. You may end up networking and sharing referrals with other mastermind members, but the focus is about helping you create abundance and success in your careers or growing your business through brainstorming, support, encouragement and getting/giving advice.

Are these groups just for business professionals and business owners?

Generally, a mastermind  group focuses on business and professional growth and wealth creation, however, every few months there may be a mastermind group with an entirely different focus. For example we have had successful mastermind groups focused on Parents of Teenagers, Professional Artists and Entertainers, Self-Employed Business Owners, etc.

Why do I have to apply for membership?

By having prospective members apply for a mastermind group membership, we try to put the right people into the right groups, and try to weed out those who simply are not going to be committed to the mandatory phone meetings or serious about participating.

What if I’m not happy with the group I belong to?

You don’t need to worry about “problem members” or the group not running smoothly. The purpose of a professional mastermind facilitator (that’s me!) is to help the group work together; if there are problems, just let me know and I’ll take care of it. Remember, the purpose of a mastermind group is to work in a spirit of harmony and shared endeavor. It’s my job to make sure that always happens.

Can I get “fired” from a group?

If you do not abide by the group guidelines of etiquette, or if you miss more than two phone meetings in three months, you will be asked to leave the group and your money will not be refunded. We are looking for people who are serious and willing to commit themselves to their success.

How private will these meetings be?

Meetings are not recorded. Each member is required to sign a non-disclosure agreement so that you can be assured that our conversations are private.

How much does it cost to belong to a mastermind group?

We are running a special right now where we are waiving the $397 start up fee and it is only $397 investment per month upon an accepted application.

How do I apply?

Request an APPLICATION FOR MASTERMIND GROUP MEMBERSHIP and then fax or email it back to us.

We will begin notifying people that they are accepted within a week of receiving your application. Applications are approved on a first-come, first-served basis. Each group is limited to 6-8 members, so apply early to avoid disappointment.

What happens after I’m accepted?

  1. You will receive a Welcome Email. Please note the phone call dates/times and mark them in your calendar for the full mastermind meeting schedule.
  2. You will receive phone and pin# for mastermind calls.
  3. You will call into the conference line at your scheduled call time.


Please SUBMIT your information below and you will be contacted within 24 hours. For immediate assistance call 760-930-9604.

Greg Clowminzer
San Diego Business Coach

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