Home » 18 Practices To Bring Greater Abundance Into Your Life

18 Practices To Bring Greater Abundance Into Your Life

“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.”
– Epictetus

We attract abundance into our lives according to who we are. When we are being loving, grateful, open and conscious, we magnetize good things to us on both the spiritual and material planes. To help us be more, we may need initially to do more: to think, feel and act differently. To act as if…. To fake it till we make it, with awareness. Here are some basic practices that will bring greater abundance to your life as you deepen your attitudes and habits of love and sharing.

1.    Go for what you love. Listen to, express and act on the inspiration of your heart and the energy that arises in your body. Identify your purpose and determine to live it. 

2.    Set intentions. Consciously set an intention for whatever you are doing. Identify the need to be filled. Create intentions that inspire you to become more. 

3.    Pay attention. Practice higher awareness. Pay careful and continual attention to your thoughts, motives, words, emotions and behavior. View everything from the perspective of a detached observer. Recognize that if you can be a detached observer, then the thoughts and emotions you are watching are not really who you are. Acknowledge and then release any aspects that do not affirm abundance. Focus your attention on what you want for yourself and others, for what we think about, comes about. Gain control of your life by thinking and speaking the language of wealth. 

4.    Be willing to learn from your present challenges with money. There’s a higher lesson there. How is your soul inviting you to recognize and own a higher aspect of yourself? Every time we experience tension in our lives, we are being invited to learn and grow. 

5.    Enter into the stillness daily. Meditation, prayer and quiet reflection all offer doorways to strengthen the detached observer and see ourselves more clearly. In solitude and stillness, we can access the higher parts of ourselves. This higher self can perceive and release the traps and illusions of our thoughts and emotions that affirm separation rather than unity, and fear rather than love. Through awareness, we can experience wholeness and freedom. 

6.    Visualize your ideals. Through the process of visualization, we use our consciousness to impress our desires on the field of all possibilities. With our imagination and the powerful energy of our feelings of desire, we lay the foundation for manifestation of thought into matter. In both your mind and body, see and feel the reality of your dreams in as much detail as you can. Experiencing yourself actually living your vision holds the power to make it real. 

7.    Develop your intuition. Intuition is your voice of inner wisdom. It speaks through the body and the mind as a deep knowing. Learn to recognize which messages are intuitive by awakening your awareness. With attention, you will be able to discern your intuitive voice from the normal chatter of your mind. And if you honour those intuitive messages by acting on them, you will open more fully to this powerful inner guidance system. 

8.    Step beyond your perceived limits. As you become more, you can do and have more. Open your mind to possibilities. Affirm your capacity to think in new ways, to create new realities for yourself, to accomplish what needs to be done. Growth brings increasing richness to our lives, in all respects. The easiest and most effective way to grow comes through acting on what you’re inspired to do. Choose to go for what you want rather than push yourself into something you think is good for you or others. Follow your bliss—pursue your feelings of joy. 

9.    Value your life and your work. Continually affirm your worthiness to both give and receive. Unconditionally accept who you are in all your ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ qualities. Start appreciating yourself for who you are right now, no matter what! Give effort, dedication and persistence to those activities that will bring the greatest good. 

10.    Strive for complete integrity in your life. We achieve integrity when our thoughts, motives, feelings and actions are congruent, in harmony. Once again, we must build our awareness of these different parts of our lives so we will know when they are out of balance. 

11.    Build greater awareness of spiritual qualities. Placing your attention on these qualities will support their manifestation in your life. Think of the bigger picture – impersonal, universal and whole. Read spiritual texts to build a high level frame of reference. 

12.    Open to trust. Trust in the wisdom of your feelings and your inner knowing. Trust that all happens for our highest good. Trust that all things come in their right time. As they say, “Let go and let God.” This requires that we learn to detach from the cravings, fears and complaints of the ego and begin to identify more completely with our soul and with higher forces. When we can place our ego in service to the divine, we see how our needs are met beautifully. 

13.    Attend to both the spiritual and material aspects of your life. Attend to your spiritual development and be responsible in meeting the needs of the physical. 

14.    Cultivate open-hearted appreciation and gratitude. Gratitude is an expression of thanks for having been blessed, for having our needs and desires fulfilled. Through appreciation we express love, which is the magnetic force of the universe. Love and the law of attraction draw abundance to us. 

15.    Own your power. Angeles Arrien counsels developing three kinds of power. People who hold these three powers cannot be ignored. 

         –    Power of presence – Being really present in each moment 

        –    Power of communication – Speaking my truth 

        –    Power of position – Being willing to take a stand 

16.    Connect with others. As we become more soulful, we become more other-conscious. The key here is that we are able to focus on their needs, not on how they can meet our own. 

17.    Be present in each moment. When we can truly be here now, we open to the spacious present that is accepting, peaceful and abundant. 

18.    Choose love over fear—always.

I would LOVE hearing from you!!  Please share your comments and thoughts down below in the comment box… Which practices are you doing now?  Which ones are you not? Is there a practice that really works for you that I left out?

I truly appreciate your feedback and support… And don’t forget to share this post with your Twitter followers and anyone else whom you’d like to invite to this conversation here today!

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    God bless you.

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