Home » Awakening The Entrepreneur In You

Awakening The Entrepreneur In You

How To Put The Passion Back Into Your Business

Sponsored by ACCION San Diego

Presented by Greg Clowminzer

Six million new businesses are started every year and 90% fail within two years. “Just because you love what you do-doesn’t mean you are an entrepreneur. Growing as an entrepreneur goes far beyond personal growth. “If you open up and awaken to the Creator within, your world is transformed.” Greg calls this Conscious Entrepreneurship, meaning that you have to make your vision BIGGER than earning a living and paying bills.

Workshop Take-Aways

  • Know Your “Why” For Being In Business
  • Learn the Hedgehog Process to Define Your Niche
  • Create An Inspiring Vision That Pulls You Into The Future
  • Network With Other Entrepreneurs
  • Plus much more…

So begin to dream big about your work and about your life. Create a system that you can test. Allow imagination and passion to take hold, and realize most profoundly that anything is possible.

A Personal Note From Greg

Awakening: The act of awaking, or ceasing to sleep.

Entrepreneur: An entrepreneur is a term applied to the type of personality who is willing to take upon himself a new venture or enterprise and accepts full responsibility for the outcome.

For a long time I have struggled with what seems to be two opposing forces. One being the nature of business and how to make money and the awakening of my spiritually. It wasn’t until I started reading Michael Gerber’s book titled “Awakening the Entrepreneur Within” that I was finally able to reconcile both worlds. If fact there wasn’t even a need to reconcile these two paths because they were so similar and dealt with many of the same issues that I have experienced personally.

My philosophy for life is easily distilled down to this. Business, relationships and life are our teacher. Let me say it this way I believe that life is our greatest teacher. My purpose in life is to grow and evolve into my full potential. Which in most cases means learning how to eliminate things or let go of things rather than trying to get more of something. With that said, my view of business is really an opportunity to grow and evolve as a human being through some very predictable stage that are also similar to the path or evolution of consciousness.

Okay let me explain how I see life and how that translates or parallels to business. It all begins with an individuals idea that we are some how separate from everything. And then you start going about your life from that assumption as if it where true. What that looks like is I have to look out for me. My faith and trust is solely invested into my own abilities. Therefore I don’t really trust anyone or anything greater than myself at which point I have made a decision to separate myself from the whole of humanity and now must do everything on my own. Hum! Sounds a lot like most entrepreneurs. Right! The ultimate lone ranger.

One of the very sad things I have notice particularly now in the midst of a very challenging economy is people are tiered. As more and more businesses fail and corporate layoffs increase people are down and very discouraged. Best business practiced that once worked in a robust economy are now a complete and utter failure. As the economy continues to shifts what follows are huge layoff and people reeling in a state of mass confusion as the scramble to reinvent themselves. Some see this a tremendous opportunity while others believe it is the beginning of the end. As people start to seek out new opportunities based on there past experiences the challenges of not finding suitable work threatens images of the American Dream and owning your own business. It is often in the ashes of such despair that the entrepreneur is born.

I hope you will join us and I look forward to meeting the Awakened Entrepreneur in YOU!

To your awakening,

Greg Clowminzer



  1. Sam Goodwin says:

    Looking forward to this event… Greg is an amazing coach, his techniques have helped me better my business and personal life. I don’t know of a better way to kick off 2011! I look forward to seeing you there.

  2. —————————————————-
    Here is a copy of the workshop handout

    Awakening The Entrepreneur In You
    Presented by Greg Clowminzer

    The Vision – Helping entrepreneurs to create fulfilling, profitable and sustainable business by transforming how they think about themselves, the way they do business and how it effects the planet.

    What is an entrepreneur?

    Entrepreneur: An entrepreneur is a term applied to the type of personality who is willing to take upon himself a new venture or enterprise and accepts full responsibility for the outcome.

    What is awakening?

    Awakening: The act of awaking, or ceasing to sleep.

    How To Awaken The Entrepreneur In You

    Design A ____________That is Authentically Yours

    Create A _______________That Serves Your Life Plan

    Create Your ______________ To Meet Your Financial Plan

    4-Steps To Awakening

    1. Know Who You Are
    2. To Thine Own Self Be True
    3. Build On Your Strengths, Gifts and Unique Abilities
    4. Know Your Why?

    4-Step Process For Staying Awake

    Child (Dreamer)
    Adolescent (Risk Taker)
    Adult (Planner)
    Elder (Reflection)

    A Model For Becoming An Awakened Entrepreneur

    The following model helps me on my path to learning about myself. I think it’s also helpful when thinking about your business. I refer to this model on a daily basis to make sure I am aligned on each level both in business and my personal life. To get closer to becoming an Awakened Entrepreneur, you should have alignment and congruency on each of the levels starting with your environment…

    Level 1: Your Environment
    Level 2: Your Behavior
    Level 3: Your Skills & Capabilities
    Level 4: Your Values & Beliefs
    Level 5: Your Identity
    Level 6: Your purpose & connection to the planet

    As you get down the levels, you get closer to finding who you really are and at the very end, beyond who you are, you find your purpose in life and what connection you have to the world.

    An all important question to ask yourself before you go into business is: Who am I when the lights are off? If your answer is different to when the lights are on, or when you are selling, when you are with your family, when you are with friends or when you are alone, then you will have some misalignment on one of the different levels.

    Check in with each level and ask yourself the following questions:

    Environment: The where & when. Are you in the right place? Is this the right time? Who else is involved and effected by your business?

    Behavior: The what. What do you do? What thoughts and actions do you have in relation to your business plans? If you saw your behaviors from the outside, would they be aligned to the behaviors you would like to see from someone running your business?

    Skills & Capabilities: The how. What skills do you have and need? How will you achieve your dreams? How will you move from employee to entrepreneur?

    Beliefs & values: The why. Why is this business important to you? What do you believe about yourself? What do you value about this business? Why bother?

    Identity: The who. Who are you? Who aren’t you? Who is your business? Who do you want to be?

    Purpose: Beyond Identity. What is your purpose on this planet? What is beyond you and your business? What is your highest intention of building this business?

    For the past 23 years Greg has been both a successful entrepreneur and passionate truth seeker. Today he offers advice and personal coaching for CEO’s, small business owners, and professionals who are stressed out and overwhelmed by the challenges of business, relationships and life.

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