Who is Greg Clowminzer?

An Interview with San Diego Voyager

Today we’d like to introduce you to Greg Clowminzer.

Greg, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.

I was a stressed-out young professional who was disillusioned with my career path and lifestyle back in the day. I was on a fast track at the time and became a partner and vice president of a commercial investment real estate company specializing in sales and acquisition of multi-family properties. I was very active in the community and held several leadership positions at both a local and state level.

The good news is I was making a decent living which afforded me to invest in myself. As I begin learning about myself and what made me tick and I started to get really excited about what I was learning and couldn’t wait to share it with others. Although I was quite shocked that others didn’t share my same enthusiasm for my new understandings. Read more

Clarity The Key To A Kick Ass Life | Webinar Replay

Listen to Podcast it’s Episode 12 on Unlocking Human Potential with Greg Clowminzer

Get the clarity that you’ve been looking for at the next 3 day Coaching Immersion Program

The training is grounded in a new paradigm called “The Inside Out Understanding” and it is changing the lives of the professionals that I have shared it with.

This program gives professionals the understanding to solve their biggest business challenges and performance related issues.

Most professionals will agree that chaos and complexity aren’t a good strategy for business and high levels of performance.

We all know professionals who come hot out of the gates looking to make their mark in the world of business and after a few years of accomplishments begin to feel disillusioned with the path they have been on.

Want to know a little secret?

Well, the results are in and mental heath, stress and unhappiness are at an all time high with professionals and the consequences are staggering both personally and professionally.

Professionals are unnecessarily stressed, struggling and underperforming and I am here to help.

Please watch the video and if this resonates with you then let’s jump on a call and begin a conversation.

To contact me a click here.

If you know someone who is stressed, struggling or underperforming please pass on my name.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Have a great day.



PS You don’t have to be stressed or struggling to attend. You may just want to show up so you can download the highest human operating system there is for a better quality of life

PPS Space is limited and I live in San Diego, so not sure when I will be in Oregon again, so call now to grab your spot in Oregon.

Greg Clowminzer is a pioneering transformational business and life coach who has a unique way of helping professionls by educating them how their minds work and how human beings create their experience. With over 10,000 hours of real time coaching experience, Greg coaches and consults with CEOs, small business owners and professionals, helping them clarify their vision, create unique strategies to win at business and develop the necessary skills to succeed in life.

Topgrading – How To Successfully Hire Top Talent

My guest for this episode of Unlocking Human Potential is Kevin Lawrence.

San Diego Business Coach Greg Clowminzer talks with Kevin about one of the biggest business challenges growth companies face and how to succeed at hiring top talent and a surefire way of weeding out low performers.

Coach Kevin suggests reading Who by Geoff Smart and Randy Street for a simplified  overview of Topgrading.

To learn more about Kevin’s next Topgrading Workshop Click Here

Clarity Of Mind The Key To High Performance

Most people would agree that clarity of mind is a good thing.

Yet those very same people innocently are involved with stirring up the bee hive of excessive thought.

Although people see clarity of mind as a helpful approach to any life encounter, it’s usually the last place they focus on to solve recurring problems, challenges and issues.

I had this really cool experience this week when going though my morning routine.

I was in the bathroom getting ready for my day when I noticed of how quiet everything seemed to be.

And then I realized it wasn’t quiet out there but my mind had settled to an even deeper level of quiet.   Read more

What Is The Inside Out Revolution?

I stumbled onto this New Paradigm a fews years ago and it has completely changed how I coach and help people.

This video is a really great introduction to a new paradigm that is transforming peoples lives in every area imaginable.

I love how clearly Amir narrates his animation and walks us through the inside out understanding of where our experience comes from.

If this New Paradigm (The Inside Out Revolution) is something that you would be interested in learning about, then let’s jump on a call and begin a conversation. Contact

To register for the next 3 Day 3 Principles Inside Out Understanding

Coaching Immersion Program 

Click Here

Is Your Win/Lose Thinking Slowing You Down?


The following are real lessons and life experiences from the mat. If you are not a fighter try to see where the lesson points you as a metaphor.

I was approached by jujitsu student after class this weekend who ask me a really great question.

He is a purple belt which is kinda the midway point to getting your black belt.

He was sharing with me the fact that he has been introduced to so many techniques and principles on the jujitsu path but he only has access to the same 2 or 3 techniques when sparring. Read more

Will You Crash or Land?

I would like you to consider trying to land a plane on a cluttered runway.

I don’t care how skilled of a pilot you are, it’s pretty clear that your headed for trouble.

Much like landing an airplane we must make sure that we have cleared or own inner runways in order for success to land.

We all tend to have something that we want to improve or change in our lives.

For many people it’s reconnecting with passions and hobbies, for others it’s spending quality time with the people we care about or for some it’s about accomplishing a meaningful pursuit.

My role as a coach has become increasingly simplified by the fact that there is only ONE real obstruction on the runway in the pursuit of your dreams.

And, it’s EGO.

So, I would like to ask you a question.

If you knew that you were always safe and secure no matter what happens and regardless of any particular circumstances or situations that you would be okay, who would you be?

Here are some of responses that I get from coaching clients and workshop participants.

• I’d feel more comfortable being me
• I’d take more risks
• I wouldn’t take things so personally
• I’d be way more productive

You see when people believe that thier inner security, peace of mind and wellbeing can be taken from them, it makes people nervous, insecure and unempowered.

But when people wake up to the fact that thier peace of mind, happiness and wellbeing are never at the mercy of circumstances or other people, this knowledge alone frees people up and changes how they live and work.

If you would like to learn about this inside out understanding that is transforming people lives around the world consider:

1. Reading or listening on audible The Inside Out Revolution by Michael Neill.

2. Attend the next 3 Day Inside Out Understanding training with me July 6-8 in San Diego. (Call 760-930-9604 for details and to register.)

3. Attend a 2 Day Inside Out training with me in Portland, Oregon August 24-25th. (Call 760-930-9604 for details and to register.)

Also, for those of you who have been following me on this inside out journey check out my newest podcast for my most recent insights and current understandings of the 3 Principles. Click here to listen on iTunes.

Professionals Discover The Key To High Performance

What if the solution to your business performance issues had nothing to do with working harder, creating better systems, more accountability, better processes, the economy, motivation, credentials and education?

Rarely does it occur to a professional that the bottles neck in business performance issues are a result of their feeling state or state of mind.

It’s this internal state of mind of discouragement, dissatisfaction, complacency, lack of enthusiasm and pressure that is responsible for the professionals low energy and poor performance. Read more