Category: 3 PRINCIPLES

From Stagnation to Success: How One Commercial Real Estate Broker Doubled His Income and Saved His Marriage Through Coaching

Mark’s Story

Interviewer: Welcome, everyone. Today, we have the pleasure of sitting down with Mark, a successful commercial real estate broker from Carlsbad, California, who experienced a remarkable turnaround in both his career and personal life. Mark, thank you for joining us.

Mark: Thank you for having me.

Interviewer: Let’s dive right in. What prompted you to seek the help of a coach?

Mark: Well, I had hit a bit of a wall in my career. Despite my best efforts, my income had plateaued, and the stress of balancing work and family was straining my marriage. I knew I needed guidance to break through these challenges.

Interviewer: And that’s where Greg, your coach, came in?

Mark: Exactly. A friend of mine recommended Greg, saying he had a unique approach that could help me see things differently. So, I decided to give it a shot.

Interviewer: What was your initial impression of Greg and his coaching style?

Mark: Greg was incredibly empathetic and insightful from the start. He had this way of asking probing questions that really got me thinking about my goals and values.

Interviewer: Can you walk us through some of the key moments or breakthroughs you experienced during your coaching sessions?

Mark: Sure.

Interviewer: How did this newfound clarity and mindset shift impact your career?

Mark: It was transformative. With Greg’s guidance, I was able to implement new strategies and approaches that led to significant increases in my income. I started closing bigger deals and expanding my network in ways I hadn’t thought possible before.

Interviewer: And what about your personal life? How did coaching influence your relationships?

Mark: Coaching wasn’t just about business; it was about holistic growth. Through our sessions, I learned to prioritize my family and communicate more effectively with my wife and kids. This brought a newfound sense of harmony and fulfillment to my personal life.

Interviewer: That’s wonderful to hear. In summary, how would you describe the impact of coaching on your overall well-being and success?

Mark: Coaching with Greg was truly life-changing. Not only did I double my income and revitalize my career, but I also saved my marriage and rediscovered a sense of purpose and fulfillment in all areas of my life.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your story with us, Mark. It’s truly inspiring to hear how coaching can make such a profound difference.

Mark: My pleasure. If my story can inspire even one person to seek the help they need, then it’s all worth it.


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Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom With Insight-Based Coaching

What is Insight-Based Coaching?

Insight-Based Coaching is a form of coaching that focuses on facilitating deep self-awareness and personal transformation through the exploration and development of profound insights. It involves guiding individuals to gain a deeper understanding of their thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and underlying beliefs. This understanding leads to meaningful and sustainable change.

Key aspects of Insight-Based Coaching include:

  1. Self-Discovery: It encourages clients to explore their inner world, uncovering their values, motivations, and unique perspectives. Through this self-discovery, clients gain clarity about who they are and what they want.
  2. Questioning Assumptions: Insight-Based Coaching challenges clients to question their assumptions and habitual thought patterns. Coaches help clients see beyond limiting beliefs and consider new possibilities.
  3. Clarifying Goals: Coaches work with clients to define clear, authentic goals that align with their values and aspirations. Insights often play a crucial role in this goal-setting process.
  4. Enhanced Problem Solving: Clients develop the capacity to solve complex problems and navigate challenges by tapping into their insights and inner wisdom.
  5. Increased Self-Confidence: As clients gain deeper self-awareness and insight, their confidence in decision-making and actions naturally grows.
  6. Emotional Intelligence: Insight-Based Coaching helps clients understand and manage their emotions more effectively, leading to improved relationships and communication.
  7. Long-Term Change: The insights gained in this coaching approach are not superficial; they often lead to profound and lasting personal and professional change.
  8. Client-Centered: The coaching process is client-centered, with the coach acting as a guide and facilitator. The focus is on the client’s unique journey of self-discovery and growth.

Insight-Based Coaching is particularly effective for individuals seeking personal development, self-improvement, and a deeper understanding of themselves. It empowers clients to tap into their inner wisdom, enabling them to make informed choices and navigate life’s challenges with greater clarity and authenticity.

What is an insight?

An insight is a profound and often sudden understanding, realization, or perspective that brings clarity, deep understanding, or a new way of looking at a situation or problem. It’s a moment of enlightenment where you gain a deeper level of awareness or knowledge that can lead to positive changes in your thinking, behavior, or actions. Insights can be personal, professional, or even spiritual, and they have the power to transform the way we perceive and engage with the world around us.

What is the difference between insight-based learning and growth versus information-based learning and growth?

Insight-Based Learning and Growth:

  1. Depth of Understanding: Insight-based learning involves gaining a deep understanding of a concept or situation. It often leads to a fundamental shift in perspective or aha moments.
  2. Transformation: Insights have the power to transform you. They can change the way you perceive, think, or behave, leading to profound personal or professional growth.
  3. Personalization: Insights are often personal and unique to an individual’s experiences and reflections. They arise from introspection and self-discovery.
  4. Application: Insights are applied intuitively. They guide your actions and decisions naturally because they align with your newfound understanding.

Information-Based Learning and Growth:

  1. Surface Knowledge: Information-based learning focuses on acquiring facts, data, or knowledge about a topic. It provides information that may or may not lead to a deeper understanding.
  2. Retention and Recall: Information-based learning relies on memory and recall. You retain information for future reference or use, but it may not necessarily transform your thinking or behavior.
  3. Universality: Information is often universal and can be shared across individuals or contexts. It’s not necessarily tied to personal experiences or insights.
  4. Application: Applying information often requires conscious effort. It may involve applying a set of steps or rules rather than an intuitive understanding.

In essence, insight-based learning and growth are characterized by profound personal understanding and transformation, while information-based learning and growth involve the acquisition and application of knowledge or data, which may or may not lead to deeper personal change. Both approaches have their place in education and personal development, but insights tend to have a more profound and lasting impact on an individual’s life.

How does a person foster an ideal environment for insights to occur?

Creating an environment conducive to insights involves nurturing specific conditions that encourage deep thinking, self-awareness, and a receptive mindset. Here are some key steps to foster such an ideal environment:

  1. Mindfulness and Presence: Practice mindfulness and being fully present in the moment. This helps quiet the mind’s chatter and allows you to tune in to your inner thoughts and feelings.
  2. Reflection: Set aside time for regular reflection. Journaling, meditation, or contemplative walks can provide opportunities to ponder life’s questions and your own experiences.
  3. Open-Mindedness: Cultivate an open and curious mindset. Be willing to question assumptions and consider multiple perspectives, even if they challenge your existing beliefs.
  4. Silence and Solitude: Find moments of solitude and silence. In stillness, you can hear your inner voice and insights more clearly.
  5. Diverse Input: Surround yourself with diverse ideas, people, and experiences. Exposure to different viewpoints can trigger insights by connecting seemingly unrelated concepts.
  6. Challenging Problems: Engage in challenging problems or creative tasks. Wrestling with complex issues can lead to breakthrough insights as you grapple with potential solutions.
  7. Embrace Failure: Don’t fear failure or mistakes. They often pave the way for insights and innovation. Learn from setbacks and setbacks can lead to insights and innovation.
  8. Learn Continuously: Pursue lifelong learning and seek new knowledge in various fields. Insights often emerge when you connect ideas from different domains.
  9. Seek Feedback: Be open to feedback from others. They may offer valuable insights and perspectives that you hadn’t considered.
  10. Mind-Body Balance: Take care of your physical and mental well-being. Adequate sleep, a healthy diet, and regular exercise contribute to mental clarity and creativity.
  11. Patience: Be patient and allow insights to come naturally. Rushing the process can hinder their emergence.
  12. Community: Engage with a community of like-minded individuals who value personal growth and insight. Sharing experiences and discussions can spark insights.

Remember that insights can’t always be forced; they often arise unexpectedly when you least expect them. By creating an environment that supports and nurtures these conditions, you increase the likelihood of experiencing valuable insights in your personal and professional life.


Three Principles That Are Redefining Business

Sydney Banks’ discovery of the Three Principles has been considered a game changer in various fields, including the world of business. The Three Principles, also known as the Three Principles of Mind, Consciousness, and Thought, propose a new understanding of the human mind and how it influences our experience of life.

In the context of business, the Three Principles have the potential to transform the way people approach work, leadership, problem-solving, and overall well-being. Here’s how Sydney Banks’ discovery can be seen as a game changer in the world of business:

  1. Clarity of Mind: The Three Principles teach that our experience of reality is created through our thinking. By understanding the role of thought and gaining insight into the nature of the mind, individuals in business can cultivate a clearer state of mind. This clarity enables better decision-making, problem-solving, and creative thinking. It allows business leaders to navigate challenges with a calm and focused perspective.
  2. Resilience and Well-being: The Three Principles highlight that our experience of life is not determined by external circumstances, but by our internal state of mind. This understanding can help individuals in business cultivate resilience, adaptability, and well-being, even in the face of uncertainty and change. It promotes mental and emotional well-being, which is crucial for effective leadership, teamwork, and overall productivity.
  3. Transformational Leadership: Sydney Banks’ insights can greatly impact leadership styles. Leaders who understand the Three Principles are more likely to create a positive work environment, foster authentic connections with employees, and inspire creativity and innovation. They lead with compassion, understanding the role of thought in shaping behavior and performance. This shift in leadership approach can transform organizational culture and employee engagement.
  4. Creativity and Innovation: The Three Principles encourage individuals to tap into their innate creativity and unleash their full potential. By recognizing that fresh insights and innovative ideas emerge from a clear and quiet mind, individuals in business can access their creative capacities more effectively. This can lead to breakthroughs, new approaches, and innovative solutions to business challenges.
  5. Harmonious Relationships: Understanding the Three Principles can enhance communication, collaboration, and relationships within teams and across organizations. It promotes empathy, understanding, and the ability to see beyond individual perspectives. This shift in interpersonal dynamics can lead to more harmonious and productive working environments.

Overall, Sydney Banks’ discovery of the Three Principles offers a paradigm shift in how individuals perceive and approach business. It provides a fresh perspective on the human mind, which has the potential to transform leadership, decision-making, creativity, well-being, and overall business performance. By recognizing the power of thought and cultivating a clear state of mind, individuals can unlock their full potential and create positive change in the world of business.


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Greg Clowminzer is a highly respected and experienced Three Principles Registered Practitioner, dedicated to helping individuals and organizations unlock their true potential. With over 30 years of experience in the field of coaching, Greg has become a trusted guide for those seeking clarity, transformation, and personal growth.

Greg’s deep understanding of the Three Principles, coupled with his compassionate and insightful approach, enables him to connect with clients on a profound level. Through one-on-one coaching sessions and transformative workshops, Greg empowers individuals to tap into their innate wisdom and discover the limitless possibilities within themselves.

With a background in counseling and executive coaching, Greg has worked with clients from various backgrounds, including entrepreneurs, business leaders, and professionals. He helps them navigate through challenges, uncover fresh perspectives, and achieve personal and professional success from a place of clarity and authenticity.

Greg’s unique ability to simplify complex concepts and convey the principles with clarity makes him an engaging and effective communicator. His warm and supportive presence creates a safe space for exploration and growth, allowing clients to experience profound shifts in their understanding of themselves and their lives.

As a sought-after speaker and facilitator, Greg has shared his insights and expertise at conferences, seminars, and corporate events around the world. He continues to inspire and empower individuals and organizations to embrace the transformative power of the Three Principles in all aspects of life.

Greg Clowminzer’s passion for personal transformation, combined with his expertise as a Three Principles Registered Practitioner, makes him a trusted ally for those seeking to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. With his guidance, individuals can experience profound shifts in their thinking, unleash their true potential, and create lasting positive change.


The Winning Equation: Balancing Success, Resilience, and Self-Worth

In this article I want to talk about the power of a winning state of mind and the implications of becoming over identified with the idea of winning. We all have dreams and aspirations, and we desire to achieve greatness in our chosen endeavors. But what sets apart those who consistently succeed from those who fall short?

It all begins with an understanding of Three Universal Principles—the epicenter of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. A winning state of mind is not merely about external victories or accolades; it’s about cultivating a mindset that empowers us to reach our full potential, embrace challenges, and overcome obstacles.

A winning state of mind starts with an understanding of the Three Principles (Mind, Consciousness and Thought). We must look towards the true source of our abilities, strengths, and unique qualities. It’s about recognizing our inherent worth and understanding that we have something valuable to offer to the world. This understanding serves as the foundation upon which success is built.

In a winning state of mind, failure is not viewed as a setback but as an opportunity for growth. It’s about learning from our mistakes, adapting our strategies, and persisting even when faced with adversity. Each failure becomes a stepping stone filled with insights to be discovered and bring us home to true knowledge, innate resilience, and wisdom.

A winning state of mind is fueled by passion and unwavering determination. It’s the relentless pursuit of excellence, the willingness to put in the extra effort, and the ability to stay focused and motivated in the face of distractions. Challenges become catalysts for improvement, and setbacks become fuel for even greater achievements.

Furthermore, a winning state of mind thrives on positivity and optimism. It’s about the insights that raise our consciousness and a state of mind where we see opportunities instead of obstacles, we get eyes for solutions rather than dwelling on problems. By maintaining a positive outlook, we attract positivity and open ourselves up to endless possibilities.

Finally, a winning state of mind embraces collaboration and support. It recognizes that success is not achieved in isolation but through the collective effort of a team. It involves fostering healthy competition, valuing diverse perspectives, and uplifting others on their journey toward success.

In conclusion, cultivating a winning state of mind is a transformative process. It requires belief in oneself, resilience in the face of failure, passion for continuous improvement, optimism in the face of challenges, and a collaborative spirit. When we adopt this mindset, we unlock our true potential and pave the way for extraordinary achievements.

So, I urge you all to embrace this winning state of mind. Let it guide you, inspire you, and propel you towards greatness. Believe in yourself, persevere through challenges, maintain a positive outlook, and foster collaboration. With a winning state of mind, there are no limits to what you can achieve.

Now, what happens when a person becomes over-identified with winning, it can have various implications on their well-being and relationships. Here are a few potential implications to consider:

    1. Fragile Self-Esteem: Placing excessive importance on winning can lead to a fragile sense of self-esteem. Since their self-worth is heavily tied to external achievements, any failure or setback can significantly impact their self-esteem and trigger feelings of inadequacy.
    2. Fear of Failure: An overemphasis on winning can create an intense fear of failure. The fear of not meeting expectations or falling short can lead to avoidance of challenges or playing it safe to protect their winning image. This fear can hinder personal growth and limit their willingness to take risks.
    3. Strained Relationships: Over-identification with winning can strain relationships, particularly in competitive contexts. The individual may become overly competitive, disregarding the well-being and feelings of others. Their focus on winning may overshadow the value of collaboration and cooperation, leading to strained relationships and a lack of genuine connections.
    4. Reduced Enjoyment: The obsession with winning can overshadow the enjoyment of the process itself. The individual may become so fixated on the end goal that they overlook the joy and fulfillment that can be found in the journey, learning, and personal development.
    5. Burnout and Stress: The constant pressure to win can lead to high levels of stress and burnout. The individual may push themselves relentlessly, neglecting self-care and experiencing heightened levels of anxiety and exhaustion. The negative impact on their physical and mental well-being can be significant.
    6. Limited Perspective: Over-identifying with winning can narrow one’s perspective, as they may become solely focused on outcomes and results. This can lead to missed opportunities for learning, growth, and alternative paths to success. The individual may struggle to find fulfillment and satisfaction outside of winning, limiting their overall happiness.

It’s important for individuals who are over-identified with winning to explore a more balanced and holistic approach to success. This involves valuing personal growth, embracing failure as an opportunity for learning, fostering healthy relationships, and finding intrinsic motivation beyond external validation. Developing a broader perspective can lead to greater overall well-being and a more sustainable path to success.

Remember, winning is not just about being first or never experiencing setbacks, but about continuous improvement, perseverance, and finding fulfillment in the journey itself.

Would you like to learn more?

Are you interested in learning about a winning state of mind in business and how you can improve your productivity and well-being? If so, I am happy to schedule some time with you to help you dive deeper into this topic.

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San Diego Business Coach offering coaching services to:  Del Mar, Solana Beach, Leucadia, Encinitas, Cardiff by the Sea, Carlsbad, Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, Irvine, San Clemente


Business coaching, Entrepreneurial success, Mentorship, Business growth, Leadership development, Strategic planning, Overcoming challenges, Networking opportunities, Creative problem-solving, Stress management, San Diego top business coach, commercial real estate coaching



Transforming Businesses from Within

The Focus of a Transformational Business Coach

As businesses continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the modern world, the role of a business coach has become increasingly important. While traditional business coaching has focused on skills development and strategy, a transformational business coach takes a different approach by focusing on personal and organizational transformation.

At the heart of transformational business coaching is the belief that in order to achieve true success, individuals and organizations must first undergo a deep and meaningful transformation from within. This means working on mindset, values, culture, creativity, and self-awareness, in order to create lasting change that will drive growth and innovation.

One of the key areas of focus for a transformational business coach is mindset. By helping clients to shift their perspective and overcome limiting beliefs, a coach can empower them to achieve their full potential and reach new heights of success. This can involve exploring the client’s purpose and vision for their business, and helping them to create a mission statement that reflects their values and aspirations.

Another important area of focus for a transformational business coach is culture. By creating a positive and empowering organizational culture that supports growth and transformation, a coach can foster a sense of community and shared purpose within the organization. This can involve developing processes for communication, feedback, and collaboration, and encouraging creativity and innovation among team members.

Self-awareness is also a critical component of transformational business coaching. By helping clients to develop self-awareness and emotional intelligence, a coach can enable them to better understand themselves and others. This can involve exploring the client’s strengths and weaknesses, and helping them to develop strategies for managing their emotions and relationships in the workplace.

Overall, the focus of a transformational business coach is on creating deep and meaningful change within individuals and organizations, in order to drive growth and innovation. By working on mindset, values, culture, creativity, and self-awareness, a coach can help businesses to transform from within, and achieve lasting success in the modern world.

Why Transformational Coaching is Key to Achieving Sustainable Growth and Success

While traditional business coaching is certainly valuable in developing skills and strategies, it often fails to address the root causes of challenges and limitations within an individual or organization. In contrast, transformational coaching focuses on deep and meaningful change from within, which allows for a more comprehensive and sustainable approach to growth and transformation.

One of the key differences between traditional coaching and transformational coaching is the focus on mindset. While traditional coaching often focuses on improving specific skills or behaviors, transformational coaching seeks to change the way individuals think and approach challenges. By addressing limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns, transformational coaching enables individuals to adopt a growth mindset, which allows them to tackle new challenges and achieve their full potential.

Another important difference is the focus on values and purpose. Traditional coaching may focus on achieving specific goals, but transformational coaching recognizes that true success and fulfillment comes from aligning one’s goals and actions with their core values and purpose. By exploring an individual’s values and purpose, transformational coaching helps them to create a more meaningful and fulfilling path to success.

Perhaps the most significant difference between traditional coaching and transformational coaching is the emphasis on organizational culture. Transformational coaching recognizes that culture plays a critical role in shaping an organization’s success, and focuses on creating a positive and empowering culture that supports growth and innovation. This involves developing processes for communication, feedback, and collaboration, and encouraging creativity and innovation among team members.

Ultimately, transformational coaching is superior and more leveraged when it comes to accelerating any type of change, because it addresses the underlying causes of challenges and limitations within individuals and organizations. By fostering deep and meaningful change from within, transformational coaching enables individuals and organizations to achieve sustainable growth and success in the modern world.

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How to Harness the Power of Psychological Discomfort for Personal Growth

As human beings, we all want to grow and learn. However, growth and learning require us to step outside of our comfort zones and embrace discomfort. This discomfort can manifest in many forms, including physical discomfort and psychological discomfort. 

Psychological discomfort is the result of the quality and quantity of our thoughts. When we are overwhelmed by negative or problematic thinking, we experience psychological discomfort. On the other hand, psychological comfort is the relief we feel when we live in the absence of problematic thinking.

But true personal growth and mastery occur when we learn to not take our thoughts seriously. When we realize that we are the thinkers, not our thoughts, we achieve psychological freedom. This freedom allows us to think whatever we want without getting entangled with any particular thought.

To achieve this psychological freedom, we must distinguish between natural thought and conditioned thought. Natural thought arises spontaneously and without effort, while conditioned thought is the result of our past experiences and beliefs. By recognizing and letting go of conditioned thought, we can return to natural thought and achieve psychological freedom.

But to do so requires embracing discomfort. If we always stay in our comfort zones, we will never grow or change. We must be willing to put ourselves in situations where we feel uncomfortable and vulnerable. This discomfort may be psychological, but it is necessary for personal growth.

So don’t be afraid of discomfort. Embrace it, and use it as an opportunity to grow and learn. Remember, psychological discomfort is a symptom of our thinking, and by learning to not take our thoughts seriously, we can achieve psychological freedom and become the masters of our own minds.

One excellent way to practice getting comfortable with discomfort is by practicing Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (BJJ). BJJ is a martial art that involves grappling and ground fighting, and it can be physically and mentally challenging.

When you first start training BJJ, you will likely feel uncomfortable and even a little intimidated. You may not know any of the techniques, and you may be paired with more experienced students who can easily submit you. However, as you continue to train, you will become more comfortable with the discomfort.

You will learn to embrace the discomfort of being in uncomfortable positions and learn how to find your way out of them. You will develop a resilience to the discomfort and learn to focus on your technique rather than your discomfort. This type of mental toughness and perseverance is a valuable skill that can be applied to all areas of life.

Most importantly, BJJ is a community-oriented activity. You will train with a group of people who will push you to your limits and help you to achieve your goals. The support and encouragement of the BJJ community can be a great source of motivation and inspiration.

In summary, practicing BJJ is an excellent way to learn how to get comfortable with discomfort. It challenges both your physical and mental abilities and requires you to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. So, if you want to develop mental toughness, resilience, and perseverance, give BJJ a try. You may be surprised at how much you can learn about yourself and your capabilities.

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Greg Clowminzer
is a transformational business and life coach who works with business leaders who want to cultivate greater self-awareness, resilience, and adaptability, and develop more effective leadership and communication skills. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, CEO, manager, or executive, his coaching will provide you with a new way to think, insights and a new paradigm that you need to succeed in today’s ever-changing business environment.

Spring: Waking Up New Possibilities

Spring is nature’s gentle reminder that every ending is a chance for a new beginning and an opportunity to awaken the dormant seeds of possibility within us.

As the first droplets of spring rain gently caress the earth, the world awakens from its long, frigid slumber. In the midst of this verdant rebirth, nature unfurls its leaves, stretching towards the sun’s warm embrace. Each delicate bud, an embodiment of resilience, breaks free from the hard-packed soil, a testament to the power of new beginnings. Within this annual renaissance lies a deeper truth, one that resonates with the human spirit – the essence of spring: waking up new possibilities.

Like the vibrant hues of blossoming flowers, our lives too are adorned with challenges and opportunities. Yet, in our relentless pursuit of overcoming these trials, we often overlook the dormant seeds of potential nestled within us. Much like the tender shoots that pierce the frosty ground, these seeds yearn for a chance to sprout, to unfurl their leaves and reach for the sky.

In the season of renewal, we are reminded to pause, to listen to the whispered secrets of our hearts, and to embrace the silent stirrings of our souls. Rather than doubling down on our efforts or attempting to solve every puzzle that lies before us, we must learn to cultivate curiosity, to explore the hidden depths within ourselves, and to nurture the new life that seeks to emerge.

When we shift our perspective and let go of the urge to bang our heads against the wall, we may find ourselves awakening to a garden of untapped potential. As we tend to these tender seedlings with care and curiosity, they will flourish into a lush, vibrant oasis, filling our lives with the fragrance of possibilities.

And so, as the earth itself celebrates the arrival of spring, let us too honor the season of rebirth by awakening the dormant seeds within our hearts. By nurturing our inner gardens, we open ourselves to new opportunities, fresh perspectives, and the limitless potential that lies waiting, just beneath the surface.

For in the end, the true essence of spring is not merely the greening of the earth or the patter of rain against the windowpanes. It is the symphony of life that plays within each of us, the tender melody of new beginnings, and the infinite possibilities that awaken as we let our true selves blossom in the season of renewal.

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New Beginnings, Beyond Information

I would like to highlight the fundamental difference between information and transformation. Indeed, a new beginning does not necessarily rely on acquiring more information, but rather on embracing a new paradigm—a shift in perspective, understanding, and new state of mind.

While information can be helpful in expanding our knowledge and providing context, true transformation occurs when we alter the way we perceive ourselves, our circumstances, and the world around us. This shift in perspective allows us to approach challenges with fresh eyes, see opportunities where we once saw obstacles, and become more adaptable in the face of change.

A new paradigm, therefore, serves as the catalyst for personal growth and development, enabling us to break free from limiting beliefs, habits, and thought patterns that have kept us stuck in our struggles. By embracing a new way of thinking and being, we open ourselves up to the possibility of profound transformation, which leads to a new beginning and a more fulfilling life.

In essence, transformation stems from a change in our internal landscape rather than the mere accumulation of information. It is this paradigm shift that empowers us to create lasting, positive change and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

Human Beings Move In and Out Of A New Paradigm Until It Sticks

As individuals embark on their personal growth and transformational journey, it’s not uncommon for them to experience a gradual and sometimes oscillating transition between old and new paradigms. This process of moving in and out of an old paradigm can be influenced by various factors, such as ingrained beliefs, habits, external circumstances, and emotional states. However, it is a natural and essential part of the journey towards adopting a new, more empowering paradigm that ultimately sticks.

    1. Awareness and understanding: The first step in moving away from an old paradigm is becoming aware of the limiting beliefs and thought patterns that hold us back. As individuals gain a deeper understanding of these factors, they may start to recognize the need for change and begin to explore alternative perspectives.
    2. Initial shifts and setbacks: As people experiment with new ways of thinking and perceiving the world, they may experience moments of clarity and transformation. However, it is normal for them to occasionally revert to old habits and thought patterns, especially in the face of challenges or when under stress. This back-and-forth movement between old and new paradigms is a natural part of the learning process.
    3. Building resilience and persistence: Over time, individuals can develop resilience and persistence in the face of setbacks. By consistently practicing new thought patterns and behaviors, they strengthen their ability to bounce back and maintain their new paradigm, even when faced with obstacles or adversity.
    4. Integration and reinforcement: As the new paradigm becomes more deeply ingrained, individuals may experience fewer relapses into old ways of thinking and behaving. Through repetition and reinforcement, the new paradigm gradually takes root, becoming a more stable and integral part of their lives.
    5. Transformation and growth: Once the new paradigm has been fully embraced and integrated, individuals can experience lasting transformation and growth. This shift in perspective allows them to navigate life with greater ease, confidence, and adaptability, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

In summary, the process of moving in and out of an old paradigm is a natural and essential part of personal growth and transformation. By cultivating awareness, resilience, persistence, and patience, individuals can gradually transition from their old ways of thinking and embrace a new, empowering paradigm that ultimately sticks and leads to lasting change.


Join me May 19-21, 2023 for my New Beginnings 3-Day Coaching Immersion.

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