Category: COACHING

Illuminate Your Path: Learn How Distinguishing Leads to Transformation!

What is a distinction? And, how is it helpful when it comes to change and growth?

Distinction, in a nutshell, is about recognizing the subtle but significant differences between things. It’s like being able to discern between similar shades of blue or understanding the nuances between two similar-sounding words.

Now, why is this so helpful for change and growth? Well, think of it like this: when we can distinguish between different aspects of ourselves, situations, or patterns in our lives, we gain clarity. And with clarity comes power.

Imagine you’re trying to make a change in your life or grow in a certain area. If you can’t distinguish between what’s working and what’s not, or if you can’t see the underlying patterns at play, it’s like trying to navigate in the dark. But when you have those distinctions, suddenly you can see the path forward more clearly.

For example, let’s say you want to improve your communication skills. By distinguishing between effective communication and ineffective communication, you can pinpoint areas to focus on and strategies to implement. It’s like turning on a light in a dark room—it illuminates your path forward.

So, in essence, distinctions are like the keys that unlock the doors to change and growth. They help us see things from new perspectives, understand ourselves and our situations better, and ultimately, make more informed choices that lead to positive transformation.

Here is a list of common distinctions that coaches often help individuals explore and leverage for personal growth and transformation:

  1. Self-awareness vs. Self-judgment: Recognizing patterns of self-criticism and cultivating self-compassion.
  2. Action vs. Inaction: Identifying barriers to taking action and creating strategies for moving forward.
  3. Fear vs. Courage: Exploring fears and developing courage to step outside comfort zones.
  4. Limiting beliefs vs. Empowering beliefs: Challenging and reframing beliefs that hold you back.
  5. Victim mindset vs. Ownership mindset: Taking responsibility for choices and outcomes.
  6. Fixed mindset vs. Growth mindset: Embracing a mindset of learning and development.
  7. Blame vs. Accountability: Shifting from blaming others to taking ownership of your life.
  8. Resistance vs. Acceptance: Embracing what is and finding peace in the present moment.
  9. Scarcity mindset vs. Abundance mindset: Cultivating a mindset of abundance and gratitude.
  10. External validation vs. Self-worth: Building self-esteem from within rather than seeking validation from others.
  11. Procrastination vs. Action: Overcoming procrastination habits and creating momentum.
  12. Comfort zone vs. Growth zone: Stepping outside comfort zones to pursue growth and expansion.
  13. Perfectionism vs. Progress: Embracing progress over perfection and learning from mistakes.
  14. Fixed identity vs. Authentic self: Discovering and embracing your authentic self.
  15. Goal-setting vs. Goal-achieving: Setting SMART goals and creating actionable plans to achieve them.
  16. Reacting vs. Responding: Cultivating mindfulness and choosing thoughtful responses over reactions.
  17. Self-care vs. Self-neglect: Prioritizing self-care and well-being in daily life.
  18. Judgment vs. Compassion: Cultivating empathy and understanding for oneself and others.
  19. Attachment vs. Detachment: Letting go of attachment to outcomes and finding peace in detachment.
  20. Routine vs. Intentionality: Creating intentional habits and routines that align with your values and goals.

These are just a few examples, and a coach can tailor their approach to address the specific needs and goals of each individual client.

What do you think? How have distinctions played a role in your own journey of change and growth? Interested in learning more?

Schedule a free coach consultation today!


From Stagnation to Success: How One Commercial Real Estate Broker Doubled His Income and Saved His Marriage Through Coaching

Mark’s Story

Interviewer: Welcome, everyone. Today, we have the pleasure of sitting down with Mark, a successful commercial real estate broker from Carlsbad, California, who experienced a remarkable turnaround in both his career and personal life. Mark, thank you for joining us.

Mark: Thank you for having me.

Interviewer: Let’s dive right in. What prompted you to seek the help of a coach?

Mark: Well, I had hit a bit of a wall in my career. Despite my best efforts, my income had plateaued, and the stress of balancing work and family was straining my marriage. I knew I needed guidance to break through these challenges.

Interviewer: And that’s where Greg, your coach, came in?

Mark: Exactly. A friend of mine recommended Greg, saying he had a unique approach that could help me see things differently. So, I decided to give it a shot.

Interviewer: What was your initial impression of Greg and his coaching style?

Mark: Greg was incredibly empathetic and insightful from the start. He had this way of asking probing questions that really got me thinking about my goals and values.

Interviewer: Can you walk us through some of the key moments or breakthroughs you experienced during your coaching sessions?

Mark: Sure.

Interviewer: How did this newfound clarity and mindset shift impact your career?

Mark: It was transformative. With Greg’s guidance, I was able to implement new strategies and approaches that led to significant increases in my income. I started closing bigger deals and expanding my network in ways I hadn’t thought possible before.

Interviewer: And what about your personal life? How did coaching influence your relationships?

Mark: Coaching wasn’t just about business; it was about holistic growth. Through our sessions, I learned to prioritize my family and communicate more effectively with my wife and kids. This brought a newfound sense of harmony and fulfillment to my personal life.

Interviewer: That’s wonderful to hear. In summary, how would you describe the impact of coaching on your overall well-being and success?

Mark: Coaching with Greg was truly life-changing. Not only did I double my income and revitalize my career, but I also saved my marriage and rediscovered a sense of purpose and fulfillment in all areas of my life.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your story with us, Mark. It’s truly inspiring to hear how coaching can make such a profound difference.

Mark: My pleasure. If my story can inspire even one person to seek the help they need, then it’s all worth it.


Schedule a free coach consultation today!


Beyond Retreats: Why Working with a Business and Life Coach is Key to Men’s Mental Health


Men’s mental health is not just about surviving; it’s about thriving. When we prioritize our mental well-being, we unlock our full potential to lead fulfilling lives and cultivate meaningful connections.

In a society often fixated on success and achievement, the narrative surrounding entrepreneurship can sometimes overshadow the personal struggles that lie beneath the surface. The recent journey of Blake Mycoskie, founder of Toms shoes, serves as a poignant reminder of the toll that loneliness and depression can take, even amidst professional triumphs.

Mycoskie’s story resonates deeply with many men who grapple with similar feelings of disconnection and loss of purpose. While men’s retreats, like the one he attended with Junto, offer valuable opportunities for camaraderie and self-reflection, they may not be accessible or suitable for everyone. This begs the question: What alternative avenues exist for men seeking support and guidance in navigating their mental health challenges?

Enter the realm of business and life coaching, particularly with specialists who understand the unique nuances of men’s mental health. These professionals offer a personalized approach to addressing the underlying issues that contribute to loneliness, depression, and a sense of disillusionment.

Unlike retreats, which provide temporary respite and insights, a long-term coaching relationship empowers individuals to delve deeper into their emotions, behaviors, and thought patterns. Through tailored strategies and accountability, coaches facilitate sustainable growth and transformation, helping men cultivate resilience, emotional intelligence, and authentic connection in both their personal and professional lives.

Moreover, working with a coach offers flexibility and confidentiality, making it an attractive option for those who may be hesitant to participate in group settings or disclose their struggles publicly. Coaches provide a safe space for men to explore their vulnerabilities, challenge limiting beliefs, and chart a path towards greater fulfillment and well-being.

In the context of entrepreneurship, where the pressures to succeed can be overwhelming, the role of a coach becomes even more pivotal. Beyond offering emotional support, coaches assist men in clarifying their values, setting meaningful goals, and navigating the complexities of leadership with integrity and authenticity.

By highlighting the efficacy of coaching as a holistic approach to men’s mental health, we can shift the narrative away from quick-fix solutions towards sustainable, long-term support systems. While retreats undoubtedly serve a valuable purpose, they should be viewed as complementary rather than exclusive avenues for growth and healing.

In conclusion, the journey towards mental wellness is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. As we reflect on Blake Mycoskie’s experience and the broader conversation surrounding men’s mental health, let us embrace the diversity of resources available and recognize the profound impact that coaching can have in empowering men to thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Together, let us pave the way towards a future where men feel empowered to prioritize their mental health and seek support without stigma or shame.


Schedule a free coach consultation today!


One Man’s Journey to Soul-Centered Living

Once there was a man named Alex who lived in the hustle and bustle of Southern California. He was successful by all external measures: a thriving career, a beautiful house in Point Loma, and the respect of his peers. Yet, within, he was plagued by confusion, stress, and a persistent feeling that something was missing.

One sunny day, a chance encounter with an old friend at a local surf shop changed the course of Alex’s life. The friend invited him to a gathering, a men’s circle, where they explored profound questions like “What does it mean to be a man?” and “What does it mean to be a human being?”

At first, Alex was hesitant. He was accustomed to measuring his worth by external achievements and material possessions. But the yearning for something deeper, something he couldn’t quite put into words, led him to accept the invitation.

The men’s circle provided a safe space for Alex to open up, share his struggles, and listen to the stories of other men. They talked about the importance of emotional intelligence, vulnerability, and authenticity. It was here that Alex realized he had been living an ego-driven life, constantly seeking validation and success, but never truly finding inner peace.

The journey was not easy. It required Alex to confront his own limitations and question the societal expectations that had shaped him. He delved into practices like meditation, journaling, and self-reflection, guided by the wisdom of the men in the circle.

As he embarked on this inner exploration, he found clarity amidst the confusion. He discovered that true success was not just about external achievements but about living a soul-centered life, where he honored his deepest values and nurtured his emotional well-being.

Over time, Alex’s stress began to fade, replaced by a sense of inner peace and contentment. He was no longer defined by his career or possessions but by his authenticity and his connection with others. He understood that being a man meant embracing his humanity fully, with all its vulnerabilities and strengths.

Through this transformation, Alex learned that the journey from ego-driven to soul-centered living was not a destination but an ongoing process. It was about continuous growth, self-compassion, and a commitment to living in alignment with his true self.

Alex became a devoted member of the men’s circle, and in time, he also became a mentor for others on their own journeys toward clarity, peace, and authenticity. He had found his purpose, not in the external accolades, but in guiding others towards their inner light, just as he had found his own.

As he sat on the shores of San Diego, the waves crashing before him, he realized that the journey had been worth it. The path from confusion to clarity, from stress to inner peace, and from ego-driven to soul-centered had led him to a place of profound understanding and love, not only for himself but for all of humanity.

Join Us for the Soul Centered Men’s Circle – A Gathering of Growth and Connection

Dear Men,

I am excited to extend a warm invitation to a transformative event: the Soul Centered Men’s Circle, happening on Saturday, November 18th, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon at a private residence in Solana Beach.

Date: Saturday, November 18th
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: 434 South Rio Ave., Solana Beach, CA 92075
Investment: This event is free for all coaching clients and a soul-centered donation for anyone who is not a current coaching client.

The Soul Centered Men’s Circle is a unique opportunity for men to come together, connect, and explore the profound aspects of masculinity in our modern world. This gathering is a place where you can:

  • Forge Genuine Connections: Connect with like-minded men who are on a journey of personal and spiritual growth. Share your experiences, insights, and challenges in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Discover Inner Wisdom: Delve into guided meditations, discussions, and activities that encourage self-discovery, emotional intelligence, and authenticity.
  • Embrace Authenticity: Break free from societal expectations and explore your true self. Learn how embracing vulnerability can be a source of strength and personal power.
  • Set Powerful Intentions: Set clear intentions for your personal growth and well-being. Harness the wisdom and support of the group to drive positive change in your life.
  • Create Positive Impact: By participating in the Soul Centered Men’s Circle, you contribute to creating a community that embodies compassion, understanding, and wisdom, both within ourselves and in the world.

This event is open to all men, whether you are seasoned on the path of self-discovery or just starting your journey. It’s an opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with a diverse group of individuals who share your desire for personal and collective transformation.

Please mark your calendars for November 18th, and be part of a gathering that promises to be enriching, enlightening, and empowering.

To reserve your spot or for more information, please text me at (SEVEN-SIX-ZERO) 580-7230.  Let’s come together, explore our souls, and build a stronger, more connected community of men. I look forward to sharing this transformative experience with you.

Kindly, ,

Greg Clowminzer
Founder of Soul Centered Men’s Circle

P.S. Feel free to invite friends and colleagues who may also benefit from this event. The more, the merrier!

Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom With Insight-Based Coaching

What is Insight-Based Coaching?

Insight-Based Coaching is a form of coaching that focuses on facilitating deep self-awareness and personal transformation through the exploration and development of profound insights. It involves guiding individuals to gain a deeper understanding of their thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and underlying beliefs. This understanding leads to meaningful and sustainable change.

Key aspects of Insight-Based Coaching include:

  1. Self-Discovery: It encourages clients to explore their inner world, uncovering their values, motivations, and unique perspectives. Through this self-discovery, clients gain clarity about who they are and what they want.
  2. Questioning Assumptions: Insight-Based Coaching challenges clients to question their assumptions and habitual thought patterns. Coaches help clients see beyond limiting beliefs and consider new possibilities.
  3. Clarifying Goals: Coaches work with clients to define clear, authentic goals that align with their values and aspirations. Insights often play a crucial role in this goal-setting process.
  4. Enhanced Problem Solving: Clients develop the capacity to solve complex problems and navigate challenges by tapping into their insights and inner wisdom.
  5. Increased Self-Confidence: As clients gain deeper self-awareness and insight, their confidence in decision-making and actions naturally grows.
  6. Emotional Intelligence: Insight-Based Coaching helps clients understand and manage their emotions more effectively, leading to improved relationships and communication.
  7. Long-Term Change: The insights gained in this coaching approach are not superficial; they often lead to profound and lasting personal and professional change.
  8. Client-Centered: The coaching process is client-centered, with the coach acting as a guide and facilitator. The focus is on the client’s unique journey of self-discovery and growth.

Insight-Based Coaching is particularly effective for individuals seeking personal development, self-improvement, and a deeper understanding of themselves. It empowers clients to tap into their inner wisdom, enabling them to make informed choices and navigate life’s challenges with greater clarity and authenticity.

What is an insight?

An insight is a profound and often sudden understanding, realization, or perspective that brings clarity, deep understanding, or a new way of looking at a situation or problem. It’s a moment of enlightenment where you gain a deeper level of awareness or knowledge that can lead to positive changes in your thinking, behavior, or actions. Insights can be personal, professional, or even spiritual, and they have the power to transform the way we perceive and engage with the world around us.

What is the difference between insight-based learning and growth versus information-based learning and growth?

Insight-Based Learning and Growth:

  1. Depth of Understanding: Insight-based learning involves gaining a deep understanding of a concept or situation. It often leads to a fundamental shift in perspective or aha moments.
  2. Transformation: Insights have the power to transform you. They can change the way you perceive, think, or behave, leading to profound personal or professional growth.
  3. Personalization: Insights are often personal and unique to an individual’s experiences and reflections. They arise from introspection and self-discovery.
  4. Application: Insights are applied intuitively. They guide your actions and decisions naturally because they align with your newfound understanding.

Information-Based Learning and Growth:

  1. Surface Knowledge: Information-based learning focuses on acquiring facts, data, or knowledge about a topic. It provides information that may or may not lead to a deeper understanding.
  2. Retention and Recall: Information-based learning relies on memory and recall. You retain information for future reference or use, but it may not necessarily transform your thinking or behavior.
  3. Universality: Information is often universal and can be shared across individuals or contexts. It’s not necessarily tied to personal experiences or insights.
  4. Application: Applying information often requires conscious effort. It may involve applying a set of steps or rules rather than an intuitive understanding.

In essence, insight-based learning and growth are characterized by profound personal understanding and transformation, while information-based learning and growth involve the acquisition and application of knowledge or data, which may or may not lead to deeper personal change. Both approaches have their place in education and personal development, but insights tend to have a more profound and lasting impact on an individual’s life.

How does a person foster an ideal environment for insights to occur?

Creating an environment conducive to insights involves nurturing specific conditions that encourage deep thinking, self-awareness, and a receptive mindset. Here are some key steps to foster such an ideal environment:

  1. Mindfulness and Presence: Practice mindfulness and being fully present in the moment. This helps quiet the mind’s chatter and allows you to tune in to your inner thoughts and feelings.
  2. Reflection: Set aside time for regular reflection. Journaling, meditation, or contemplative walks can provide opportunities to ponder life’s questions and your own experiences.
  3. Open-Mindedness: Cultivate an open and curious mindset. Be willing to question assumptions and consider multiple perspectives, even if they challenge your existing beliefs.
  4. Silence and Solitude: Find moments of solitude and silence. In stillness, you can hear your inner voice and insights more clearly.
  5. Diverse Input: Surround yourself with diverse ideas, people, and experiences. Exposure to different viewpoints can trigger insights by connecting seemingly unrelated concepts.
  6. Challenging Problems: Engage in challenging problems or creative tasks. Wrestling with complex issues can lead to breakthrough insights as you grapple with potential solutions.
  7. Embrace Failure: Don’t fear failure or mistakes. They often pave the way for insights and innovation. Learn from setbacks and setbacks can lead to insights and innovation.
  8. Learn Continuously: Pursue lifelong learning and seek new knowledge in various fields. Insights often emerge when you connect ideas from different domains.
  9. Seek Feedback: Be open to feedback from others. They may offer valuable insights and perspectives that you hadn’t considered.
  10. Mind-Body Balance: Take care of your physical and mental well-being. Adequate sleep, a healthy diet, and regular exercise contribute to mental clarity and creativity.
  11. Patience: Be patient and allow insights to come naturally. Rushing the process can hinder their emergence.
  12. Community: Engage with a community of like-minded individuals who value personal growth and insight. Sharing experiences and discussions can spark insights.

Remember that insights can’t always be forced; they often arise unexpectedly when you least expect them. By creating an environment that supports and nurtures these conditions, you increase the likelihood of experiencing valuable insights in your personal and professional life.


Reorienting Around Your True Values: How Coaching Can Help You Navigate Life’s Transitions and Live with Purpose

Reorienting our lives around our deepest values can be challenging, but it is ultimately the key to living a life that is meaningful and fulfilling.  – Brené Brown

As we go through life, it is normal for our values to change and evolve. Sometimes, these changes are forced upon us by external circumstances, such as a major life event or a shift in societal norms. Other times, they arise through introspection and reflection on our own experiences and beliefs.

Regardless of the cause, adjusting to a new set of values can be a challenging and overwhelming process. It requires reorienting our perspective, reevaluating our goals, and often making significant changes in our habits and behaviors.

This is where coaching can be an invaluable resource for individuals making this type of transition. A coach can provide guidance and support as we navigate these changes, helping us to stay focused and committed to our new values, even in the face of obstacles or setbacks.

One of the key benefits of coaching is that it can help us to identify and clarify our new values. Sometimes, we may know that we want to make a change, but we may not be clear on what that change should be or how to get there. A coach can help us to explore our priorities and values, and to set goals that align with these values.

Coaching can also help us to stay accountable and motivated as we work towards our new values. Change can be difficult, and it is easy to fall back into old habits and ways of thinking. A coach can help us to stay on track, providing encouragement and support, and helping us to stay focused on the bigger picture.

In addition, coaching can help us to develop new skills and strategies that are aligned with our new values. For example, if we have decided that we want to prioritize our health and wellness, a coach can help us to develop a plan for exercise and nutrition that supports this goal. If we have decided that we want to prioritize our relationships, a coach can help us to develop communication skills and strategies that support positive connections with others.

Ultimately, coaching can be an essential tool for individuals who are navigating a transition in their values. Whether we are adjusting to a major life change or simply reflecting on our own beliefs and priorities, coaching can help us to stay focused, motivated, and committed to our new values, and to create a more fulfilling and meaningful life as a result.

Coaching Exercise:

    1. Reflect: Take some time to reflect on your current values and where you would like to be. Ask yourself questions like, “What are my top three values?” and “What would make me feel more fulfilled and purposeful in my life?”
    2. Identify Barriers: Identify any obstacles or challenges that are preventing you from living in alignment with your values. These could be external factors such as financial constraints or internal factors such as limiting beliefs.
    3. Set Goals: Set specific and achievable goals that align with your values. Be sure to make them realistic and measurable so that you can track your progress.
    4. Take Action: Take action towards your goals, even if it is just a small step every day. Celebrate your successes and learn from your setbacks.

If you are feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your life, it may be time to reevaluate your values and make some changes. This can be a difficult and overwhelming process, but you don’t have to do it alone. A coach can provide the guidance and support you need to navigate this transition and live a life that is aligned with your true values.

So, if you are ready to let go of old values that no longer serve you and honor the new values that are arising within you, I encourage you to reach out for coaching. A coach can help you to clarify your values, set goals that align with them, and develop the skills and strategies you need to make lasting changes in your life.

Remember, your values are a reflection of who you are and what matters most to you. By honoring them, you can create a life that is authentic, meaningful, and fulfilling. Don’t wait any longer to start living the life you truly desire. Reach out for coaching today and start your journey towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

 grow yourself with coaching

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Trust Your Inner GPS: How to Navigate Through Life’s Distractions

The wisdom we seek outside of ourselves is already within us, waiting to be discovered and followed.
– Coach Greg

Navigating through life can sometimes feel like driving through unfamiliar territory without a GPS system. Other people’s opinions, nosiness, and judgments can act as roadblocks and cause us to lose sight of our path. However, just like a GPS system helps us navigate through unfamiliar terrain, our inner wisdom and guidance can help us stay connected to our inspiration and clarity despite distractions.

To stay on track, we need to give ourselves grace and compassion, tune out what is not for us, and allow our inner GPS to take the lead in our lives. By trusting ourselves and following our inner guidance, we can tap into our unique path and creative potential, much like a GPS system guides us towards the best route to take.

Although the road may be crooked and bumpy at times, by tuning out distractions and trusting our inner guidance, we can find our way to more joy and fulfillment. Ultimately, the key is to listen to our inner wisdom and common sense to guide us towards the path that is tailor-made for us, just like a GPS system leads us towards our desired destination.

If you feel like you’re driving through life without a GPS system, it’s time to tap into your inner guidance and wisdom. Don’t let other people’s opinions and judgments act as roadblocks to your path. Give yourself grace and compassion, tune out what is not for you, and trust your inner GPS to lead the way.

Take action by starting to listen to your intuition and inner voice. Reflect on what truly matters to you and what brings you joy and fulfillment. Take small steps towards your goals and dreams, even if it means taking a detour from the beaten path.

Remember, you are the driver of your own life. You have the power to choose your own direction and navigate through any obstacles that come your way. Trust yourself and your inner guidance, and let it lead you towards the path that is truly yours.

If you’re feeling stuck or unsure about the next steps in your personal or professional life, it might be time to consider talking to a coach. A coach can help you clarify your goals, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and create an action plan to move forward.

Take action today by reaching out and starting a conversation designed to activate your own GPS.

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San Diego Business Coach offering coaching services to:  Del Mar, Solana Beach, Leucadia, Encinitas, Cardiff by the Sea, Carlsbad, Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, Irvine, San Clemente


Business coaching, Entrepreneurial success, Mentorship, Business growth, Leadership development, Strategic planning, Overcoming challenges, Networking opportunities, Creative problem-solving, Stress management, San Diego top business coach, commercial real estate coaching


What Every Business Leader Needs To Know

Strenghten Your Mind

Keeping yourself focused, motivated, and driving results is hard enough. Adding the role of leadership to bring out the best in people on top of everything else can be daunting.

How in the world are you supposed to know how to coach, manage and powerfully lead people when your own psychology is compromised?

A business leaders psychology and mental fitness is the most overlooked, underdeveloped and ultimately the most important driver of a business leaders success and wellbeing.

Are you mentally fit to be running your business?

We get it, with the growing complexity of running a business there is a lot to think about. The truth is you shouldn’t be trying to figure it all out alone and by now hopefully you’ve discovered that worrying isn’t a helpful strategy.

Most business leaders never learned about human psychology and how to bring out the best in themselves and others which means they are often at the end of their rope with grit and willpower alone.

We’ve discovered something that any business leader can learn that has a tremendous about of leverage for increased productivity, improved performance and resolving any business challenge. We want to help you eliminate costly leadership mistakes, distractions and assist you to overcome temporary setbacks so that you can experience a new level of success and wellbeing.

There is nothing more powerful for busisness leaders than an Unshakable Mind.

When business leaders understand the psychology that drives every aspect of running a successful business it is truly a game changer.

Click here and book your Game Changer conversation today.

Greg Clowminzer has over 10,000 hours of real time coaching experience with business leaders and professionals, and he knows that mental CLARITY IS KING and a busy mind is the enemy to your success and well-being.