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Tag: Professional Goals

Get Connected Support Group For Entrepreneurs

Coming together, sharing together, working together, succeeding together.

Looking to grow your business? A coach facilitated support group is a proven way to get the feedback, direction and the support you need.

It is important for entrepreneurs to develop a small community of supportive peers with whom they can discuss their business or professional goals. Would like to be part of a trusted network that meets regularly?

This group is dedicated to providing self-employed people a safe haven to talk about the most pressing issues that you face as a self-employed individual.

I understand that this group may not be for everyone so I want you to know what you can expect should you decide to join us.

The basic format of the group will begin with a moment of silence, some guided visualization, individual check-ins, group discussion, partnered exercises, along with spontaneous coaching and teaching.

Let’s us help you solve some of your most daunting current professional challenges by sharing your vision and greatest current hurdle, then receive supportive feedback, resources and ideas from a trusted group of like minded peers.

We meet three times per month on Friday’s.  First time visitor’s are always Free.

If you would like to learn more please contact Greg Clowminzer at (760) 930-9604


This is a support group NOT a networking group. There are plenty of networking groups available and if your need help finding one please ask. Although networking will be a natural by-product of the group it is not the primary focus. Thank you for your understanding.

Warm Regards,

Greg Clowminzer, Business and Life Coach



Join our facebook group and receive invitation to live events. >>>CLICK HERE<<<

Project Planning Checklist For Both Personal And Professional Goals

Project planning is a powerful process for achieving both personal and professional goals.

The process of goal-setting helps you choose where you want to go in work and in life and project planning is how you are going to get there. By knowing exactly what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. You’ll also quickly spot the distractions that would otherwise lure you from your desired outcome.

More importantly than this, proper goal-setting and project planning can be incredibly motivating, and as you get into the habit of setting and achieving goals, you’ll find your self-confidence builds fast.

Download The Project Planning Worksheet ==>> Click Here Read more