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Waking Up Together: The Mindfulness Communication Technique

What is the Mindfulness Communication Technique?

It’s a simple, partnered practice for waking up to the nature of life and your own wisdom, so you can move yourself beyond the problems or concerns of daily life.

MCT’s are an opportunity to gain insights, clear up misunderstandings and deepen your understanding of Three Universal Principles underneath all human experience.

The MCT technique looks simple enough with two people sitting in chairs or on pillows on the floor facing each other a few feet apart. The practice can be difficult to achieve. It is not a conversation or social encounter.

The MCT practice is a process of completing communication cycles and listening without judgment. The listening partner must try to remain neutral so that the active partner is left free to be either positive or negative. They need this relationship freedom to reclaim their natural internal freedom – to help them discover their own truth and tap into their own inner wisdom. Read more