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Author: Greg Clowminzer

Greg Clowminzer is a pioneering business and leadership coach with over 10,000 hours of real time coaching experience. Greg coaches and consults with CEOs, small business owners and professionals, helping them clarify their vision, create unique strategies for success and developing the necessary skills to be a leader and effectively exercise leadership as their natural self-expression.

The Inner Game of Business Part 4

How to Master the Inner Game of Business is a four-part video series designed to introduce you to the secret behind business and performance.

As a businesses coach one of the things we see with business owners, entrepreneurs and professional’s is that when you become more successful the complexity of running a business seems to multiply for many business owners.

You may find yourself wearing so many different hats that you get lost in terms of what to focus on and what truly matters. Read more

An Inside Out Approach To Business

Mastering the inner game of business is a journey of self-exploration that focuses on the three principles of mind, consciousness and thought. It is through the understanding of the three principles that business success becomes internally driven instead of reacting to oustside circumstances. This approach differs from traditional business coaching and consulting which  traditionally focuses on how to improve performance via external factors .

With traditional business principles success is driven by outside forces including sales, marketing, the economy and consumer interests. All of these forces are external and beyond the control of the average business person.  Therefore, these forces often facilitate an entrepreneurial experience that vacillates according to the ups and downs of daily business.  This vacillation can cause business owners to feel drained, both financially and emotionally, creating tremendous stress and unhappiness. Read more

How To Handle The Ups and Downs Of Business

Francesco Barbera and Greg Clowminzer discuss how to handle the dips, ups and downs in business based on the understanding of the 3 Principles.

If you are interested in learning about a new paradigm for being in business where fresh ideas are common place and peace of mind is the signature strength of the business leader then make sure to grab a no cost business strategy session and experience the power of coaching for yourself.

Would you like to learn more ===>> Click here

Master the Inner Game of Business Video 2

How to Master the Inner Game of Business is a four-part video series designed to introduce you to the secret behind business and performance.

If you are interested in learning about a new paradigm for being in business where fresh ideas are common place and peace of mind is the signature strength of the business leader then make sure to grab a no cost business strategy session and experience the power of coaching for yourself.

Would you like to learn more ===>> Click here


The Inner Game of Business Part 1

How to Master the Inner Game of Business is a four-part video series designed to introduce you to the secret behind business and performance.

If you are interested in learning about a new pariidigm for being in business where fresh ideas are common place and peace of mind is the signiture strenght of the business leader then…

….grab a no cost business strategy session and experience the power of coaching for yourself.

Would you like to learn more ===>> Click here


Freedom, It’s Not Out There

There is a great misunderstanding about freedom.

I have always been interested in freedom.

Freedom is one of my highest values in life.

I’ve stressed over and wasted a lot of time trying to manage people, money, and situations in my life as an attempt to experience freedom.

What I never realized was, that freedom is an inside job. Nor did I realize that what I was actually after was psychological freedom.

As I see it now there is no amount of freedom in the physical world that can ever satisfy psychological freedom.

And, with psychological freedom I’ve become less anxious about what I have, or don’t have, and what I can do or not do. Real Freedom.

If you look at some of the definitions in pop psychology or personal development you’ll see definitions like this. Freedom: The ability to do whatever I want, whenever I want, with whoever I want, for long as I want. All of these abilities seem to be propped up on some sort of external milestones or attainments in order to reach this level or definition of freedom.

The way I see it freedom does not come from, nor is it sourced  upon anything outside myself.

Freedom is an inside job. And what’s required of that inside job is to understand how all humans function. Another way of saying that is understanding how the mind works and how life works.

Whether you want to experience true freedom, powerfully impact the lives of the people around you, experience a renewed feeling of being alive, or if you simply want more clarity and direction, then you will want to learn about 3 Principles – A Foundation For Realizing Human Potential and how they will allow you to effortlessly transform your life.

And, yes it’s an inside job.

Are you ready to be free?


A 3 Principles Based Conversation

San Diego Business and Life Coach Greg Clowminzer has a 3 Principles based conversation with Joy Avila.

In this video I wanted to demonstrate how to integrate the 3 Principles into what appears to be just an ordinary conversation to assist both the participate Joy Avila as well as the viewer into the nature of the 3 Principles and how they are always at work underneath the human experience.