- Have a colleague in a non-competitive business write an endorsed letter on your behalf to his/her clients. You write the letter and take care of the mailing expenses. Offer your friend editing rights to make him comfortable.
- Go to local chamber of commerce and offer to help them with their accounting for free for 6 months (your success will generate referrals). Think of them as a center of influence with 1,000+ businesses they might refer you to.
- Run a seminar on how to increase your profits in your business – or save money. Give away your notes to anyone who offers you their contact information.
- Create target list of select prospects. Call and ask permission to email. Send an email then follow right up with a phone call.
- Donate a small block of your time to a school/fundraising auction. The exposure may draw in some clients.
- In a direct mail piece, attach a check made out to yourself in a letter and say, “I’ll buy your initial consultation for you.”
- Discover centers of influence in the city and market to them. Could consider them the Dream 100, or donate time to get endorsements.
- Join Rotary Club and Toastmasters.
- Join up with a hurting magazine to J.V. – they carry my ads and you help them with your accounting services.
- Ask people, “How would you see us working together?”
- Be the founder of a think tank and invite the brightest minds in the field to participant. As a participant, it implies your own genius. Put a press release out calling for applications.
- Go to a client and say, “Who would you like me to help?” They will likely suggest someone. This is another way of asking for referrals, but is less “salesy”.
- Donate your time to a high-profile non-profit or market through big centers of influence. I’ll get referrals.
To schedule a free coaching call to see if coaching might be the help you need, simply call 760-930-9604. There is no charge. This is a no-pressure, no-obligation opportunity to see if coaching is right for you.
Great piece
Thanks for creating this list.
Does #4 still apply in 2015? If so, how many businesses do you recommend calling the secretaries of and sending faxes to?