Feeling Like A Fraud In Your Business?


Are you feeling like a fraud, and hope no one finds you out?

Welcome to the “Fraud Factor”.

It’s when a professional doubts the value they have to offer their clients, customers and audiences. The Fraud Factor generally shows up when someone is new or just starting out in a career or profession. This may be someone who has acquired a tremendous amount of knowledge in an existing field working as an employee for someone else and now they are wanting to offer their services as a self-employed consultant. Read more

How You And Your Coach Can Produce Extraordinary Results


Most advanced coaches do not manage their clients, nor do they hold the client accountable. These are both useful tools when used by a manager with staff, and can work in the coaching relationship up to a point. However, the master coach wants to work with clients who want support, guidance, ideas and encouragement – not a manager.

It may seem right to expect your coach to manage you, and make sure you keep your word and get you back on track when you’ve become distracted. And you’d be right up to appoint, I mean it certainly is a part of the coaching relationship to do just that. Read more

Do You Need More Focus and Direction?

In this video San Diego Business Coach – Greg Clowminzer, talks about direction, specifically within the realm of coaching.

I would like to start off with a question for you to consider. If somebody came up to you and asked you for directions, what’s the first question that you’d asked them, what would be your natural response.

Just think about that for a minute.

Your first natural response would probably be something like, where are you trying to get to.  Within coaching a lot of times the clients gets to a point where they’re feeling frustrated, the coaching client may desire or feel they need more direction. And the coaches response to that is, in order for you to gain a sense of direction the first thing you really need to look at is destination.

Destination is the precursor to direction and without it, nobody can really help give you directions.

In business coaching one of our primary focus as business coaches, is on clarification of destination or clarification of outcomes. In this video, what I want for you, is to get into the mindset, of asking yourself where do I really want to get to.

Another way to approach this is to ask yourself, what do I really want, how do I want it to be,  how do I want it to look, how do I want it to feel.  Whatever “it” is whether it’s your business, your life, your relationship, or your sales goals.

Whatever “it” is, ask yourself, what do I really want.

Watch this video as I share a strategy for helping you gain context with this simple but sometimes overwhelming question.

Thanks for watching and please leave your comments below.

How to Succeed with Social Media

Hello my friends Greg Clowminzer here, your business coach.

In this video I want to talk about how to play nicer and be more effective in the social media sandbox.  I’m going to share with you some of the things that I’m noticing going on within social media landscape. So, I believe this is a really important video for you to watch particularly if you’re that old school professional, sales representative or marketing person trying to make a smooth transition into the social media game. Read more

Make Content Creation a Success Habit

Greg Clowminzer here your San Diego Business Coach.

Start Scheduling Content Creation Time

If you’re a small business owner or professional service provider you certainly understand the importance marketing and creating content so that the people interested in your product or services can find you on the internet. So this shouldn’t be new to you if you’ve been in business for a while. One other things in what I want talk about this video is for you to start scheduling content creation time and getting on your calendar as a routine business practice for growing your business. Read more

Struggling With Procrastination? Breakthrough That Habit Now!

Wouldn’t you like to enjoy the benefits from overcoming procrastination? Who doesn’t want more peace of mind, self-confidence, and a feeling of being truly empowered in your life?


Professional business and life coaches Greg Clowminzer and Deborah Tutnauer will be discussing how to deal with overcoming the habit of procrastination.

Request a FREE Coaching Consultation to see if coaching is right for you.  CALL NOW! (760) 930-9604