From Reaction to Reflection: Cultivating a Calmer Approach to Life

We all know the feeling. Something happens—an offhand comment, a frustrating situation—and before we know it, we’re caught in the heat of the moment, reacting impulsively. These knee-jerk responses often leave us feeling regretful or drained. But what if we could pause, take a breath, and respond with clarity instead of reactivity? What if, rather than living in a cycle of reaction, we could cultivate a calmer, more reflective approach to life?

Why We React

At the core of impulsive reactions is a simple truth: we’re wired for survival. Our brains are designed to react quickly to perceived threats. However, in modern life, these “threats” are often just everyday stressors—an email that rubs us the wrong way or a traffic jam that tests our patience.

The problem arises when we let these reactions define us. We move from one reaction to the next, creating a cycle of emotional upheaval. This constant state of reactivity doesn’t just harm our relationships or work performance—it takes a toll on our mental well-being. The good news? We can break the cycle.

Shifting from Reaction to Reflection

1. Recognize the Trigger: The first step toward cultivating a reflective response is recognizing when you’re triggered. Awareness is the foundation of change. The moment you feel the familiar rush of frustration or anger, pause and take stock. What exactly triggered you? Is the situation as urgent as it feels, or is your mind escalating it?

2. Take a Breath (Literally): It sounds simple, but taking a deep breath is one of the most powerful tools you have. Deep breathing engages your parasympathetic nervous system, which helps calm the body and mind. That extra moment to breathe gives you the space to assess the situation with a clearer head.

3. Question Your Thoughts: Once you’ve paused, ask yourself: What story am I telling myself right now? Often, our reactions are based on assumptions rather than facts. By questioning your thoughts, you create room for more grounded and thoughtful responses.

4. Shift Your Focus: Instead of focusing on the problem, focus on your desired outcome. What’s the best possible way to respond that aligns with who you want to be? When you think in terms of outcomes, you shift from reaction to intentionality.

5. Practice Gratitude: Gratitude can shift your perspective from what’s wrong to what’s right. In moments of reactivity, taking stock of what you’re grateful for helps to shift your mindset from a scarcity or fear-based reaction to one of abundance and calm.

6. Build a Reflection Practice: The more time you spend in reflection, the more it becomes second nature. Take a few moments each day to check in with yourself. Reflect on how you handled situations and what you could do differently next time. Over time, you’ll notice a shift from automatic reactions to intentional responses.

A Calmer, More Connected Life

The difference between reacting and reflecting is the difference between chaos and clarity. When we respond thoughtfully, we foster stronger relationships, better decision-making, and an overall sense of peace. It’s about becoming less reactive and more connected to the moment—more connected to yourself.

The path from reaction to reflection isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress. Each time you catch yourself before reacting, you strengthen your ability to stay grounded. Over time, calm reflection becomes your new default mode.

Take the Next Step Toward a More Reflective Life

If you’re ready to break free from the cycle of reactivity and cultivate a life of calm, clarity, and connection, let’s talk. I specialize in helping high-functioning professionals and business owners develop the tools to navigate life’s stressors with more ease and insight. Together, we can explore how to shift your default mode from reaction to reflection, leading to better decisions, stronger relationships, and a greater sense of well-being.

Ready to start your journey? Let’s dive deeper into your unique challenges and create a roadmap for moving from reaction to reflection. Click here to schedule a discovery call.

The Power of Micro-Habits: Small Changes That Create Lasting Impact

By Greg Clowminzer

In today’s fast-paced world, the idea of personal growth can often feel overwhelming. We aspire to achieve big things—better health, a thriving career, balanced relationships—yet, we frequently fall short because we think transformation requires massive action. What if I told you that significant change doesn’t have to be so daunting? In fact, it’s often the small, consistent habits—micro-habits—that lead to lasting impact.

The Science Behind Micro-Habits

Micro-habits are small, simple actions that require minimal effort but, when repeated consistently over time, can create profound shifts in your life. This concept is grounded in behavioral science: habits that are too large or complex often fail because they rely too heavily on motivation and willpower. On the other hand, micro-habits are so manageable that they don’t provoke resistance, making them easier to sustain.

For example, if your goal is to get fitter, starting with 10 push-ups a day is more achievable than committing to an hour-long gym session. Once the habit is formed, it’s easier to expand upon it—soon, 10 push-ups will turn into 20, then 50, and before you know it, you’ve built a workout routine that sticks.

Why Micro-Habits Work for Busy Professionals

Micro-habits are ideal for high-functioning professionals because they integrate seamlessly into your day without disrupting your workflow. Whether you’re balancing the demands of a career, family life, or personal growth, micro-habits provide a sense of progress and accomplishment that builds momentum over time.

Actionable Micro-Habits for Physical, Mental, and Emotional Well-being

  1. Physical Well-being: Move for Just 5 Minutes Don’t have time for the gym? Start with five minutes of movement, whether it’s a short walk, a few stretches, or even standing up to do bodyweight squats during your coffee break. It’s a micro-habit that primes your body for bigger activities down the line.
  2. Mental Well-being: Practice a 2-Minute Breathing Exercise Overwhelmed with stress? Take two minutes to breathe deeply and focus on your breath. It’s a powerful micro-habit that calms your nervous system, improves focus, and increases mental clarity.
  3. Emotional Well-being: Write Down One Gratitude Daily Struggling to stay positive? At the end of each day, jot down one thing you’re grateful for. This simple act rewires your brain to notice the good in your life, building resilience and emotional health over time.

How to Implement Micro-Habits in Your Daily Life

  • Start Small: Choose habits that are so small, they don’t feel like a burden. This makes it easier to be consistent, and consistency is key to long-term change.
  • Tie it to Existing Routines: Anchor your micro-habits to something you already do. For example, practice deep breathing while waiting for your coffee to brew or do stretches after brushing your teeth in the morning.
  • Celebrate Wins: Acknowledge even the smallest victories. Every time you complete a micro-habit, you’re one step closer to the larger transformation you seek.

The Compound Effect: Small Steps, Big Results

The power of micro-habits lies in their ability to create a compound effect. Just like how small investments in a savings account grow exponentially with time, small habits lead to major changes when practiced consistently. Over months and years, these seemingly insignificant actions build upon each other, turning into remarkable personal growth.

Call to Action: Ready to Take the First Step?

If you’re ready to explore how micro-habits can create lasting impact in your life, it’s time to take action. As a coach, I specialize in helping high-performing individuals navigate personal growth and create sustainable habits that lead to true transformation. Schedule a discovery call with me today, and let’s explore how micro-habits can help you achieve more—without the overwhelm.

Click here to schedule your free discovery call and start building the life you’ve always envisioned—one small step at a time.

How Taking Time Off Can Boost Your Creativity and Efficiency

The Role of Rest in Success: Why Taking Breaks Can Boost Your Productivity and Well-Being

In today’s fast-paced world, where the hustle is glorified and being perpetually busy is often seen as a badge of honor, it’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that rest is a luxury we can’t afford. Yet, if you look at the most successful individuals, whether in business, the arts, or sports, you’ll find a common thread: they understand the critical role of rest and recovery in sustaining peak performance.

The Science Behind Rest and Productivity

Our brains are not designed for constant output. Cognitive neuroscientists have long understood that mental rest is essential for consolidating memories, learning new skills, and fostering creativity. When we give our minds the space to relax, we allow our subconscious to process information, leading to those “aha” moments that seem to come out of nowhere.

Furthermore, chronic stress and overwork can lead to burnout, a condition recognized by the World Health Organization as a significant occupational hazard. Burnout doesn’t just reduce productivity; it can derail careers and seriously impact mental and physical health. On the other hand, regular breaks can act as a preventive measure, helping to maintain a sustainable pace over the long haul.

Why Rest Is Essential During Stressful Times

It’s ironic, but during the most stressful periods—whether due to tight deadlines, high-stakes projects, or personal challenges—rest becomes even more crucial. Stress triggers the body’s fight-or-flight response, releasing hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. While these chemicals are beneficial in short bursts, chronic exposure can impair cognitive function, weaken the immune system, and increase the risk of conditions such as anxiety and depression.

Taking breaks, even short ones, helps to reset this stress response. It gives your body and mind a chance to return to a baseline state, allowing you to approach your tasks with renewed energy and a clearer perspective. In fact, studies have shown that regular, brief pauses throughout the day can significantly enhance focus and productivity, leading to better outcomes in less time.

The Productivity-Enhancing Power of Breaks

One of the most common misconceptions is that working longer hours equates to getting more done. However, research suggests that productivity tends to decline sharply after about 50 hours of work per week. What’s more, those who take regular breaks often find they can accomplish more in fewer hours than their overworked counterparts.

Breaks not only prevent mental fatigue but also stimulate creativity. The phenomenon known as “incubation” occurs when a break from a challenging task allows the mind to unconsciously work on the problem, often leading to creative solutions that would not have emerged through sheer force of will.

Practical Tips for Integrating Rest into Your Schedule

Given the undeniable benefits of rest, the question becomes: how do you integrate it into an already packed schedule? Here are some practical strategies:

1. Schedule Micro-Breaks: Set a timer to remind yourself to take short, five-minute breaks every hour. Use this time to stretch, take deep breaths, or simply step away from your workspace. These micro-breaks can help maintain your energy levels throughout the day.

2. Practice the Pomodoro Technique: Work for 25 minutes, then take a five-minute break. After four cycles, take a longer break of 15-30 minutes. This method not only keeps you focused but also ensures regular rest intervals.

3. Prioritize Sleep: No amount of short breaks can make up for chronic sleep deprivation. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night, and try to maintain a consistent sleep schedule. Quality sleep is foundational to cognitive function and emotional well-being.

4. Embrace Active Rest: Rest doesn’t have to mean doing nothing. Activities like walking, yoga, or meditation can provide mental relaxation while keeping your body engaged. These activities are particularly effective at reducing stress and enhancing creative thinking.

5. Unplug Completely: Make it a point to disconnect from work, especially during weekends or after work hours. Use this time to engage in activities that rejuvenate you, whether that’s spending time with loved ones, pursuing a hobby, or simply enjoying some quiet time.

Rest as a Success Strategy

The culture of overwork may be pervasive, but it’s not a recipe for long-term success. By integrating rest into your daily routine, you’re not only safeguarding your health but also setting the stage for sustained productivity and creativity. Remember, success isn’t just about how much you do—it’s about how well you do it, and for that, rest is not just helpful; it’s essential.

In a world that often pushes us to our limits, learning to step back and recharge is one of the most powerful strategies we can adopt. So, the next time you feel overwhelmed or stuck, instead of pushing through, consider taking a break. It might just be the most productive thing you do all day.

Ready to Take the Next Step in Your Personal or Professional Journey? Schedule a Free Consultation Today!

Schedule a free discovery call with Greg today to explore how tailored coaching can help you achieve greater success and well-being. Don’t forget to sign up for Greg’s newsletter to receive insightful tips, inspirational content, and updates on upcoming events directly to your inbox. Your path to a more balanced, fulfilling life starts here!


Schedule a Free Consultation Today!


Mindfulness Matters: Elevating Performance in Business

Embrace the Shift: Becoming a Mindful Business Leader

Welcome, fellow trailblazers, to a journey of transformation and enlightenment—a journey that will redefine the way you perceive and practice business leadership. In a world where chaos and uncertainty often reign supreme, there emerges a beacon of light—a path towards mindful business practices that honor the interconnectedness of all beings and the power of presence and purpose.

The Top 10 Distinctions for Shifting to a Mindful Business Leaders offer a roadmap for navigating this terrain of inner and outer transformation. It beckons you to embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and evolution—a journey that will not only elevate your leadership prowess but also enrich your life and the lives of those you touch.

As top producing service providers, business leaders, and executives, you are accustomed to pushing the boundaries of possibility and achieving remarkable feats of success. Yet, amidst the relentless pursuit of profit and progress, have you ever paused to consider the deeper dimensions of your leadership—the subtle nuances that lie beneath the surface of strategy and performance?

The Top 10 Distinctions present an opportunity—a challenge—to shift your perspective, expand your consciousness, and embrace a new way of leading and living. It is a call to action—a call to step out of the confines of conventional thinking and into the realm of mindful awareness and compassionate action.

But make no mistake—this journey is not for the faint of heart. It requires courage, commitment, and a willingness to confront your fears and limitations head-on. It demands that you relinquish outdated beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve you or your organization. It invites you to step into the fullness of your potential as a leader and as a human being.

Are you ready to embrace the shift? Are you ready to challenge the status quo and commit to making the necessary shifts in mindset and behavior? The path ahead may be arduous, but it is also immensely rewarding—a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and profound impact.

So, I invite you, fellow leaders, to take a leap of faith—to commit to becoming a mindful business leader and to chart a course towards a future where business is not just about profits and performance but about purpose and presence—a future that begins with each and every one of us.

Top 10 Distinctions for Shifting to a Mindful Business Leader

1. Awareness of the Present Moment: Understanding that success is not just about future goals but also about being fully present in each moment of the business journey. Recognizing the power of now in decision-making and problem-solving.

2. Emotional Intelligence: Grasping the importance of understanding and managing emotions, both within oneself and among team members. Recognizing how emotional intelligence enhances leadership effectiveness and fosters a positive work environment.

3. Purpose-driven Leadership: Shifting from a solely profit-driven mindset to leading with a clear sense of purpose and values. Understanding how aligning business goals with meaningful purpose enhances motivation and engagement.

4. Compassionate Communication: Embracing the practice of compassionate and mindful communication, which fosters trust, collaboration, and understanding among team members. Recognizing the impact of communication styles on organizational culture and outcomes.

5. Resilience in Adversity: Understanding that setbacks and challenges are inevitable in business, but how one responds to them can make all the difference. Cultivating resilience through mindfulness practices to bounce back stronger from adversity.

6. Balanced Decision-making: Recognizing the importance of balancing analytical thinking with intuitive wisdom in decision-making processes. Understanding that mindfulness can enhance clarity and discernment in complex situations.

7. Authentic Leadership: Embracing authenticity and vulnerability as strengths in leadership. Understanding that being genuine and transparent fosters trust and connection with team members and stakeholders.

8. Cultivating Presence: Grasping the significance of cultivating presence in leadership and business interactions. Understanding how being fully present in meetings, negotiations, and day-to-day interactions can lead to deeper connections and better outcomes.

9. Sustainable Success: Shifting from a short-term focus on immediate results to a long-term perspective that prioritizes sustainability and well-being. Understanding that mindful business practices not only drive success but also contribute to a thriving ecosystem.

10. Continuous Learning and Growth: Embracing a growth mindset and a commitment to lifelong learning. Recognizing that mindfulness is not a destination but a journey of self-discovery and growth as a leader and as a human being.

By grasping these distinctions and integrating mindfulness into their leadership approach, business leaders can foster a culture of innovation, resilience, and well-being that leads to sustainable success for themselves and their organizations.


From Stagnation to Success: How One Commercial Real Estate Broker Doubled His Income and Saved His Marriage Through Coaching

Mark’s Story

Interviewer: Welcome, everyone. Today, we have the pleasure of sitting down with Mark, a successful commercial real estate broker from Carlsbad, California, who experienced a remarkable turnaround in both his career and personal life. Mark, thank you for joining us.

Mark: Thank you for having me.

Interviewer: Let’s dive right in. What prompted you to seek the help of a coach?

Mark: Well, I had hit a bit of a wall in my career. Despite my best efforts, my income had plateaued, and the stress of balancing work and family was straining my marriage. I knew I needed guidance to break through these challenges.

Interviewer: And that’s where Greg, your coach, came in?

Mark: Exactly. A friend of mine recommended Greg, saying he had a unique approach that could help me see things differently. So, I decided to give it a shot.

Interviewer: What was your initial impression of Greg and his coaching style?

Mark: Greg was incredibly empathetic and insightful from the start. He had this way of asking probing questions that really got me thinking about my goals and values.

Interviewer: Can you walk us through some of the key moments or breakthroughs you experienced during your coaching sessions?

Mark: Sure.

Interviewer: How did this newfound clarity and mindset shift impact your career?

Mark: It was transformative. With Greg’s guidance, I was able to implement new strategies and approaches that led to significant increases in my income. I started closing bigger deals and expanding my network in ways I hadn’t thought possible before.

Interviewer: And what about your personal life? How did coaching influence your relationships?

Mark: Coaching wasn’t just about business; it was about holistic growth. Through our sessions, I learned to prioritize my family and communicate more effectively with my wife and kids. This brought a newfound sense of harmony and fulfillment to my personal life.

Interviewer: That’s wonderful to hear. In summary, how would you describe the impact of coaching on your overall well-being and success?

Mark: Coaching with Greg was truly life-changing. Not only did I double my income and revitalize my career, but I also saved my marriage and rediscovered a sense of purpose and fulfillment in all areas of my life.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your story with us, Mark. It’s truly inspiring to hear how coaching can make such a profound difference.

Mark: My pleasure. If my story can inspire even one person to seek the help they need, then it’s all worth it.


Schedule a free coach consultation today!


The Untrained Mind Equals an Untrained Man

In the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, we find a profound truth that extends far beyond the mats and into the realm of personal and professional development. It’s a truth that I’ve come to understand intimately through my years of practice, coaching, and exploring the depths of human potential. The notion that “The Untrained Mind Equals an Untrained Man” is not just a concept limited to the gentle art of Jiu-Jitsu; it’s a reflection of the broader human experience.

In Jiu-Jitsu, as in life, we often encounter situations where knowing something intellectually isn’t synonymous with the ability to execute it in practice. I’ve seen countless practitioners attend seminars or regular classes, absorbing techniques that make perfect sense on the surface. However, when the real test arrives during live training or sparring, the clarity of these techniques can vanish in the heat of the moment. This phenomenon teaches us a profound lesson about the limitations of the untrained mind.

It’s akin to the experience of working with someone new, often referred to as a white belt in Jiu-Jitsu. They come to the mat untrained, devoid of the technical skills and experience necessary to navigate the intricate dance of this martial art. Instead, they rely on brute strength, speed, adrenaline, and often, their ego to survive. It’s crucial to note that they’re not intentionally trying to be difficult or cause harm; they are simply untrained.

This concept holds a mirror to the broader scope of personal and professional development. How many times have we encountered individuals who are well-versed in theories, strategies, or principles, yet when it comes to real-life application, they flounder? It’s not uncommon to find people who have read numerous self-help books, attended workshops, and devoured wisdom, but their actions don’t align with their knowledge.

The untrained mind is like a white belt in life. It lacks the practical skills to defend itself against the challenges and uncertainties that come its way. When faced with adversity, it resorts to the same survival instincts we see in a novice on the Jiu-Jitsu mat. It’s an instinctual reaction born out of fear and insecurity.

So, what does this all mean, and how can we harness this insight to enhance our personal and professional lives? The key lies in the recognition of the untrained mind’s potential. It’s not a fixed state; rather, it’s a starting point. Like a white belt stepping onto the mat, we all begin with a lack of experience and skill. However, the difference lies in our commitment to growth and learning.

Just as the white belt can evolve into a black belt through dedication, practice, and a willingness to embrace the journey, so too can the untrained mind transform into a reservoir of knowledge, wisdom, and skill. It’s a process that requires humility, perseverance, and a genuine desire to learn. When we approach life with the same mindset we bring to the Jiu-Jitsu mat, we begin to unlock our true potential.

The untrained mind is not a limitation; it’s an opportunity. By acknowledging our untrained aspects and embracing the journey of learning and growth, we can transcend our limitations and become the best versions of ourselves. Just as a white belt becomes a black belt, our untrained minds can become a wellspring of knowledge, strength, and understanding.

In closing, let me leave you with this inquiry: What aspects of your life might benefit from the recognition that an untrained mind is not a hindrance, but a canvas upon which you can paint your journey of growth and self-improvement? Remember, the path to becoming a black belt in life begins with acknowledging the white belt within you.

One Man’s Journey to Soul-Centered Living

Once there was a man named Alex who lived in the hustle and bustle of Southern California. He was successful by all external measures: a thriving career, a beautiful house in Point Loma, and the respect of his peers. Yet, within, he was plagued by confusion, stress, and a persistent feeling that something was missing.

One sunny day, a chance encounter with an old friend at a local surf shop changed the course of Alex’s life. The friend invited him to a gathering, a men’s circle, where they explored profound questions like “What does it mean to be a man?” and “What does it mean to be a human being?”

At first, Alex was hesitant. He was accustomed to measuring his worth by external achievements and material possessions. But the yearning for something deeper, something he couldn’t quite put into words, led him to accept the invitation.

The men’s circle provided a safe space for Alex to open up, share his struggles, and listen to the stories of other men. They talked about the importance of emotional intelligence, vulnerability, and authenticity. It was here that Alex realized he had been living an ego-driven life, constantly seeking validation and success, but never truly finding inner peace.

The journey was not easy. It required Alex to confront his own limitations and question the societal expectations that had shaped him. He delved into practices like meditation, journaling, and self-reflection, guided by the wisdom of the men in the circle.

As he embarked on this inner exploration, he found clarity amidst the confusion. He discovered that true success was not just about external achievements but about living a soul-centered life, where he honored his deepest values and nurtured his emotional well-being.

Over time, Alex’s stress began to fade, replaced by a sense of inner peace and contentment. He was no longer defined by his career or possessions but by his authenticity and his connection with others. He understood that being a man meant embracing his humanity fully, with all its vulnerabilities and strengths.

Through this transformation, Alex learned that the journey from ego-driven to soul-centered living was not a destination but an ongoing process. It was about continuous growth, self-compassion, and a commitment to living in alignment with his true self.

Alex became a devoted member of the men’s circle, and in time, he also became a mentor for others on their own journeys toward clarity, peace, and authenticity. He had found his purpose, not in the external accolades, but in guiding others towards their inner light, just as he had found his own.

As he sat on the shores of San Diego, the waves crashing before him, he realized that the journey had been worth it. The path from confusion to clarity, from stress to inner peace, and from ego-driven to soul-centered had led him to a place of profound understanding and love, not only for himself but for all of humanity.

Join Us for the Soul Centered Men’s Circle – A Gathering of Growth and Connection

Dear Men,

I am excited to extend a warm invitation to a transformative event: the Soul Centered Men’s Circle, happening on Saturday, November 18th, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon at a private residence in Solana Beach.

Date: Saturday, November 18th
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: 434 South Rio Ave., Solana Beach, CA 92075
Investment: This event is free for all coaching clients and a soul-centered donation for anyone who is not a current coaching client.

The Soul Centered Men’s Circle is a unique opportunity for men to come together, connect, and explore the profound aspects of masculinity in our modern world. This gathering is a place where you can:

  • Forge Genuine Connections: Connect with like-minded men who are on a journey of personal and spiritual growth. Share your experiences, insights, and challenges in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Discover Inner Wisdom: Delve into guided meditations, discussions, and activities that encourage self-discovery, emotional intelligence, and authenticity.
  • Embrace Authenticity: Break free from societal expectations and explore your true self. Learn how embracing vulnerability can be a source of strength and personal power.
  • Set Powerful Intentions: Set clear intentions for your personal growth and well-being. Harness the wisdom and support of the group to drive positive change in your life.
  • Create Positive Impact: By participating in the Soul Centered Men’s Circle, you contribute to creating a community that embodies compassion, understanding, and wisdom, both within ourselves and in the world.

This event is open to all men, whether you are seasoned on the path of self-discovery or just starting your journey. It’s an opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with a diverse group of individuals who share your desire for personal and collective transformation.

Please mark your calendars for November 18th, and be part of a gathering that promises to be enriching, enlightening, and empowering.

To reserve your spot or for more information, please text me at (SEVEN-SIX-ZERO) 580-7230.  Let’s come together, explore our souls, and build a stronger, more connected community of men. I look forward to sharing this transformative experience with you.

Kindly, ,

Greg Clowminzer
Founder of Soul Centered Men’s Circle

P.S. Feel free to invite friends and colleagues who may also benefit from this event. The more, the merrier!

Unlock Your True Potential at the Next Enlightenment Intensive! 


Enlightenment Intensive

July 18-22, 2024 

San Diego, California

Are you ready to awaken to a life of deeper authenticity and genuine fulfillment? Are you tired of superficial relationships and yearning for something more real? The answer lies within you, beyond all the labels, conditioning, and external influences.

Introducing the Enlightenment Intensive—a transformative event that invites you to taste and devour the Real Meal of life. This is not about reading menus or intellectualizing concepts. It’s about plunging into the depths of “Truth” and experiencing it firsthand.

For centuries, individuals from all walks of life have questioned the meaning of it all. They’ve sensed a deeper calling, a longing for a more profound existence. Perhaps you’ve felt it too—the nagging hollowness beneath society’s illusions of success.

Enlightenment, the ultimate state of being, cannot be described by words or emotions. It transcends intellect and cannot be earned through penance. It is a moment of union with Truth, a direct knowing beyond thought and vision—a gift from Grace itself.

The Enlightenment Intensive is a profoundly powerful event where a remarkable number of participants experience a true and direct realization of the Truth. Free from philosophy, dogma, and prior conditioning, you’ll embark on a journey to uncover the depths of your being.

This intensive workshop is suitable for both new seekers and experienced individuals on their spiritual path. No meditation experience is required. Whatever stage you’re at, this event will expand and deepen your potential for a direct experience of Truth.

By participating in the Enlightenment Intensive, you’ll gain invaluable insights and benefits that will positively impact all aspects of your life:

✨ Focus your intent in a profound and powerful way

✨ Achieve inner peace amidst life’s chaos

✨ Open your heart even when faced with closure

✨ Cultivate compassion for yourself and all living beings

✨ Love yourself more deeply than ever before

✨ Experience profound ease with your true self

But the benefits don’t stop there. This workshop will enhance any personal growth work you undertake. It will provide you with a solid foundation rooted in reality, allowing you to embrace the infinite possibilities of depth and meaning in your life.

Led by Greg Clowminzer and Linda Robinson. Your Enlightenment Intensive Masters with over 40 years of combined experience in waking people up to Who and What they really are.  Greg combines the wisdom of Eastern and Western traditions, empowering you to master the art of living a happy and fulfilled life in today’s modern world. Linda Robinson is a Transformational Success Coach, the Director and Head trainer of Accelerated Evolution Coaching Academy, and an Enlightenment master helping bring out what is authentic in people and igniting their passion and their ability to live their dreams.


Don’t settle for a life of mediocrity. Take the leap and discover the extraordinary depth and meaning that await you at the Enlightenment Intensive. Your journey to enlightenment begins now!

The Enlightenment Intensive is both amazingly simple and deeply mysterious. Although it is easy to do, it is life-altering work of the highest order. You will come up against your barriers and be challenged. De-identify with all false ideas and allow the authentic you to emerge. Experience Directly the TRUTH of who you are and what life is. Connect so deeply with others that any idea of separation seems to melt away. We will support you every step of the way to go for Truth.

This is a Fully Residential Program offered January 17 – 21, 2024 at Ojas Retreat Center Temecula, southern California.

Your investment of $1495 includes food and lodging for 4 night which includes all vegetarian meals. You will have an opportunity to donate afterwards for the facilitation and chef if you so choose.

Reserve your space today, contact Greg a 760-930-9604

Enlightenment Intensives are held multiple times each year. To stay informed or to register for an upcoming event call us directly at 760-930-9604 for immediate assistance.