In this video San Diego Business Coach Greg shares 10 shifts to make that will help you increase your sales, income and value in the world. The sub heading would fall within the lines of “stop selling and start fearlessly serving other”. Read more
Author: Greg Clowminzer
Greg Clowminzer is a pioneering business and leadership coach with over 10,000 hours of real time coaching experience. Greg coaches and consults with CEOs, small business owners and professionals, helping them clarify their vision, create unique strategies for success and developing the necessary skills to be a leader and effectively exercise leadership as their natural self-expression.
Rules of Engagement – The Basics for Effective Communication
The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. -George Bernard Shaw
Your Guide To Being A Better Communicator and Listener
Being a better communicator and listener begins with a commitment to peace, love and understanding.
I believe that much of the suffering in the world could be reduced if people would simply adhere to what I call, Rules of Engagement – The basics of effective communication.
I have put together the following list of ways to show up in a conversation that allows for true understanding to occur.
Although many of the skills seem obvious, it takes practice and a real commitment to adhere to them.
• See communication as an opportunity and a gift rather than a challenge or threat.
• Communication improves when you slow down.
• Don’t interrupt when someone is speaking.
• Don’t criticize, judge or make someone wrong.
• Listen to understand versus reply.
• Maintain good eye contact when possible.
• Be an open and nonjudgmental listener.
• Speak in “I” statements.
• Avoid he said, she said.
• Only share your deepest truth.
• Be able to distinguish facts from judgments, opinions, assumptions and feelings.
• Eliminate gossip.
• Be direct and ask for what you want.
• Practice a high quality of attention when listening.
• Practice self-awareness before speaking.
• If you don’t understand something ask for clarification.
• Acknowledge the speaker.
• Be generous with your listening.
• Let others speak first.
• Set aside preconceived ideas.
• Understand the subject that you are communicating about. Don’t wander off-topic or subject.
• Welcome all thoughts, feelings and insights without invalidating.
• Become comfortable with silence and pregnant pauses.
• Ask a well thought out question, wait and listen.
• Go deeper with one question.
• Refrain from interrogating.
• Commit to getting yourself understood to the best of your ability.
• Own your judgments, feelings and reactions as your stuff, don’t make it about someone else.
• Reduce or eliminate self referencing.
• Be present to what’s arising in your own consciousness and communicate that.
• Receive and release another’s communication.
• Avoid trip laying.
• Ask, don’t tell.
• Get permission before offering feedback, coaching or advice.
Every relationship issues boils down to a lack of understanding.
And a lack of understanding is very costly in both the workplace and home life.
Please share this guide for effective communication with friends, family, and co-workers.
Become a Better Communicator By Working With Coach Greg
I offer communication training for couples, business partners and organizations who want to strengthen key relationships.
Greg Clowminzer
Communication Coach
PS Here are few ways I can help you.
1. Request a free Communication Coaching Consultation and have a heart to heart about what’s possible for you and the people you care about. Book a call here.
2. Join my FaceBook Page where I host Live Trainings and Q&A events where you can ask me anythings.
3. Attend my next 3 Day Coaching Immersion Programs where I teach the single most important thing you need to know to achieve the highest levels of performance and well-being.
How To Be An Effective Listener
San Diego Business Coach Greg Clowminzer shares some insights into what is means to practice active listening as a way of being a more effective listener for others.
Would you like to learn more? Grab Your Free Strategy Session
What Is One Thing Guys Don’t Understand About Being Men
San Diego Business Coach Greg Clowminzer in response to a coaching client question shares some insight into something men either don’t understand or is overlooked. In either case it is the demise of most men. Grab Your Free Strategy Session
How To Avoid the Entrepreneurial Trap and Burnout
A Lifestyle Based Marketing And Business Model
San Diego Business Coach Greg Clowminzer shares a way to reprioritized your business model and thinking to avoid entrepreneurial burnout. He calls it making the shift from product and service based marketing to lifestyle based marketing.
1. Put your Passions first
2. People second
3. Profits third
Periscope is the perfect tools for making the shift into lifestyle based marketing.
Please follow me on Periscope @gregzencoach
How To Create Your Weekly Success Plan
Are you frustrated by your inability to get more stuff done? Well you’re certainly not alone.
What is a weekly success plan? Weekly success plan is your blueprint for the week. A blueprint doesn’t happen by itself, so you actually have to carve out some planning time. Most people believe the best time to plan your week is Sunday evening or first thing Monday morning.
Here is a list of questions to help prompt to you in your weekly success planning session.
What are my top three business goals or objectives?
What are my top three personal goals or objectives?
What are my top three morning rituals to start each day with?
Do a mind dump of all the activities, ideas, and thoughts swimming around in your head.
What are the 1-3 daily activities that support you in accomplishing your business goals?
What are the 1-3 daily activities that support you in accomplishing your personal goals?
Scheduled a time to do your activities first. When will you do the activities that are critical to your personal and professional success? Get it in your calendar.
If it’s going get done it’s got to get scheduled.
What Can Business Owners Learn From Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)
San Diego Business Coach Greg Clowminzer shares some ideas about what business owners and professionals can learn from Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) when it comes to winning at business and evolving your game.
Full Practice Business Coaching FAQ
Develop and Maintain a Full Practice
Full Practice Business Coaching FAQ
Developing and maintaining a full professional practice depends on several key factors. San Diego Business Coach Greg Clowminzer walks you through the initial conversations and the steps it take to having a full practice. Full practice development coaching is for professional service providers such as chiropractors, acupuncturist, Financial planners, accountants, mortgage brokers, Real estate agents, dentist, doctors, and therapist.