Asking powerful questions for discovery is at the core of good coaching.
Well-placed questions allow you to direct the flow of the coaching interaction in the direction of optimal benefit for the client. The ability to ask questions that move clients forward in a coaching interaction is a key to coaching effectively.
Although there are many types and kinds of questions available to you, they all
share discovery as a foundational intention.
The Initial Coaching Discovery Session
1. What’s the biggest change you’d like to make in your life, assuming you had enough support to do it right?
2. If you hired me as your coach, what’s the first thing we would work on together?
3. What’s the hesitation about getting started?
4. How do you define success for yourself at this stage of your life?
5. What are the 3 biggest challenges you are facing right now in your business?
Win at Business, Succeed in Life!
Request a FREE Business Coaching Consultation to see if coaching is right for you.
(760) 930-9604
Business Coach and Life Coaching with Greg Clowminzer