How To Handle The Ups and Downs Of Business

Francesco Barbera and Greg Clowminzer discuss how to handle the dips, ups and downs in business based on the understanding of the 3 Principles.

If you are interested in learning about a new paradigm for being in business where fresh ideas are common place and peace of mind is the signature strength of the business leader then make sure to grab a no cost business strategy session and experience the power of coaching for yourself.

Would you like to learn more ===>> Click here

How To Avoid the Entrepreneurial Trap and Burnout

A Lifestyle Based Marketing And Business Model

San Diego Business Coach Greg Clowminzer shares a way to reprioritized your business model and thinking to avoid entrepreneurial burnout. He calls it making the shift from product and service based marketing to lifestyle based marketing.

1. Put your Passions first
2. People second
3. Profits third

Periscope is the perfect tools for making the shift into lifestyle based marketing.

Please follow me on Periscope @gregzencoach


Feeling Like A Fraud In Your Business?


Are you feeling like a fraud, and hope no one finds you out?

Welcome to the “Fraud Factor”.

It’s when a professional doubts the value they have to offer their clients, customers and audiences. The Fraud Factor generally shows up when someone is new or just starting out in a career or profession. This may be someone who has acquired a tremendous amount of knowledge in an existing field working as an employee for someone else and now they are wanting to offer their services as a self-employed consultant. Read more

Interview With Greg Clowminzer

Greg has some great insights about developing your inner wisdom as an entrepreneur. He also talks about certain habits that you can do that will skyrocket how much you retain when you are learning or reading.


It’s really important that you develop certain habits that will ensure your consistent progress and success. I learned lots from talking to him and you will too.

To get in touch with Greg at (760) 930-9604