12 Reasons Why A Small Business Fails

Why do businesses fail? With all the effort people put into starting up businesses, you’d think more would succeed. But thousands of small businesses fail each year.

Take a moment and watch this short video where I will cover several reasons why small businesses fail.


Are you stuck, stressed out and overwhelmed with running your business? Schedule a complimentary initial consultation to see if coaching could be the help you need.

Call today (760) 930-9604

Time Management Is Dead

Time management, time management strategies and workshops are all dead. Even corporate America is no longer investing in time management training. It’s all about training managers and entrepreneurs energy management strategies for personal and professional success.

If you would like to learn more about How To Make Time Your Friend then please contact us by completing the form below.

For immediate assistance call 760-930-9604. Read more

Biz Builder MasterMind Group Launch

How big would you dare to dream if you had the support of a highly-skilled team of like-minded individuals behind you? Are you wondering how to move beyond where you are today, and take your business to the next level?

A highly effective MasterMind group could very well be the most powerful tool you ever apply to your business.  MasterMinding is absolutely essential for anyone who wants to succeed… Read more

Overcoming Barriers To Success

Left on our own we ofter lack the personal energy and power to actually breakthrough limiting beliefs and fixed ideas. Synergy can be a powerful source of energy to remove personal barriers to success.

This is a quick video I put together to begin the launch of my Biz Builder Mastermind Program.  If you like what you hear and want to be Read more

The Entrepreneurial Spirit A Double Edge Sword

If you are a self-employed individual then the chances are freedom is very important to you. However many entrepreneurs find that they have so much freedom that it is causing them more challenges then anything else.

Self management becomes a job in itself often at the cost of building your business. Watch the first of a video series where I Read more

Right Actions Produce Better Results

Right Actions 1. Start with the end in mind. Develop a clear picture of what you want to accomplish. State the end results in one sentence that even a child can imagine, understand and remember. Consider the power of President Kennedy’s goal “to send a man to the moon and bring him safely back home within this decade”. Thousands of people did very detailed work and spent billions of dollars based on this simply stated goal.
Read more

99 Ways To Get More Clients Now!

Full PracticeBusiness owners, professional and entrepreneurs are often wondering what can I do to get more clients now. Well here is a list of ideas to get you started.

Do at least 25 of these.

1. Give your service away.
2. Give your services away to three clients who can get you all the clients you need.
3. Lead a workshop for your current clients and don’t charge them for it.
4. Lead a workshop for your friends, Read more

The Power of Strategy

What are strategies, and how to use them to become more successful.

I am a believer that the right strategy ensures a successful outcome, and that the wrong — or outdated — strategy wastes valuable resources and needlessly delays the results. The trick is to select the perfect strategy — or have the ability to create it from scratch. In my view, the right strategies are what makes a person or company a success or Read more