How To Avoid the Entrepreneurial Trap and Burnout

A Lifestyle Based Marketing And Business Model

San Diego Business Coach Greg Clowminzer shares a way to reprioritized your business model and thinking to avoid entrepreneurial burnout. He calls it making the shift from product and service based marketing to lifestyle based marketing.

1. Put your Passions first
2. People second
3. Profits third

Periscope is the perfect tools for making the shift into lifestyle based marketing.

Please follow me on Periscope @gregzencoach


How To Create Your Weekly Success Plan

Are you frustrated by your inability to get more stuff done? Well you’re certainly not alone.

What is a weekly success plan? Weekly success plan is your blueprint for the week. A blueprint doesn’t happen by itself, so you actually have to carve out some planning time. Most people believe the best time to plan your week is Sunday evening or first thing Monday morning.

Here is a list of questions to help prompt to you in your weekly success planning session.

What are my top three business goals or objectives?

What are my top three personal goals or objectives?

What are my top three morning rituals to start each day with?

Do a mind dump of all the activities, ideas, and thoughts swimming around in your head.

What are the 1-3 daily activities that support you in accomplishing your business goals?

What are the 1-3 daily activities that support you in accomplishing your personal goals?

Scheduled a time to do your activities first. When will you do the activities that are critical to your personal and professional success? Get it in your calendar.

If it’s going get done it’s got to get scheduled.

Full Practice Business Coaching FAQ

Develop and Maintain a Full Practice

Full Practice Business Coaching FAQ

Developing and maintaining a full professional practice depends on several key factors. San Diego Business Coach Greg Clowminzer walks you through the initial conversations and the steps it take to having a full practice. Full practice development coaching is for professional service providers such as chiropractors, acupuncturist, Financial planners, accountants, mortgage brokers, Real estate agents, dentist, doctors, and therapist.

Feeling Like A Fraud In Your Business?


Are you feeling like a fraud, and hope no one finds you out?

Welcome to the “Fraud Factor”.

It’s when a professional doubts the value they have to offer their clients, customers and audiences. The Fraud Factor generally shows up when someone is new or just starting out in a career or profession. This may be someone who has acquired a tremendous amount of knowledge in an existing field working as an employee for someone else and now they are wanting to offer their services as a self-employed consultant. Read more

How You And Your Coach Can Produce Extraordinary Results


Most advanced coaches do not manage their clients, nor do they hold the client accountable. These are both useful tools when used by a manager with staff, and can work in the coaching relationship up to a point. However, the master coach wants to work with clients who want support, guidance, ideas and encouragement – not a manager.

It may seem right to expect your coach to manage you, and make sure you keep your word and get you back on track when you’ve become distracted. And you’d be right up to appoint, I mean it certainly is a part of the coaching relationship to do just that. Read more