Category: COACHING

What Every Business Leader Needs To Know

Strenghten Your Mind

Keeping yourself focused, motivated, and driving results is hard enough. Adding the role of leadership to bring out the best in people on top of everything else can be daunting.

How in the world are you supposed to know how to coach, manage and powerfully lead people when your own psychology is compromised?

A business leaders psychology and mental fitness is the most overlooked, underdeveloped and ultimately the most important driver of a business leaders success and wellbeing.

Are you mentally fit to be running your business?

We get it, with the growing complexity of running a business there is a lot to think about. The truth is you shouldn’t be trying to figure it all out alone and by now hopefully you’ve discovered that worrying isn’t a helpful strategy.

Most business leaders never learned about human psychology and how to bring out the best in themselves and others which means they are often at the end of their rope with grit and willpower alone.

We’ve discovered something that any business leader can learn that has a tremendous about of leverage for increased productivity, improved performance and resolving any business challenge. We want to help you eliminate costly leadership mistakes, distractions and assist you to overcome temporary setbacks so that you can experience a new level of success and wellbeing.

There is nothing more powerful for busisness leaders than an Unshakable Mind.

When business leaders understand the psychology that drives every aspect of running a successful business it is truly a game changer.

Click here and book your Game Changer conversation today.

Greg Clowminzer has over 10,000 hours of real time coaching experience with business leaders and professionals, and he knows that mental CLARITY IS KING and a busy mind is the enemy to your success and well-being.

The 3 Unrecognized Gifts

Watch now and discover The Three Unrecognized Gifts.

Business and life coach Greg Clowminzer shares three unrecognized gifts that all human beings have.

Greg points to the fact the each one of us has the ability or the power to realize these gifts.

And it’s only the lack of a realization or lack of respect for the these three gifts that people suffer and struggle unnecessarily.

Attend Greg’s next 3 Day Coaching Immersion where he helps you realize and unpack these gifts for yourself.

Register now! https://gregclowminzer.com/events/

PS Although many of the people who are attracted to my trainings are drawn to them to help resolve business related issues, the program has far-reaching benefits and is attracting a wider and wider audience.

As I have opened up the training to people who were struggling with relationship issue or dealing with health related problems, this training is having a remarkable impact in peoples lives.

I hope you will join me.

Register now! https://gregclowminzer.com/events/

Clarity Is The Answer To Anxiety

People think they know what they want and they think they know what they’re trying to accomplish, but often they don’t.

As a coach, one of my jobs is to help people get clear about what they want and what they are trying to accomplish.

You’d think that my job was pretty easy, straight forward and simple, right?

Here’s the problem, people THINK they know what they want. People THINK they know what they are trying to accomplish.

But, I gotta tell you people don’t know either and it becomes painfully obvious to witness people struggling to answer two simple questions.

  1. What do you really want?
  2. What are you trying to accomplish? 

So, when I ask these two questions of both prospective clients and existing clients, it amazes me how difficult this is for people. People are like deers looking into head lights.

A big part of what makes coaching powerful is asking people reflective questions. Reflective questions are what help people wake up to what they really want.

Reflection is the key to clarity and often requires the help of another.

Here’s what I’ve discovered when asking people what they really want, people are often like deer looking into headlights with many of them responding with “I really don’t know”.

Okay, that’s a problem.

Now, I had an insight recently that there actually needs to be a question before the first two questions.

It’s what I call question zero.

0. Do you know what you want?

Okay, now you’re either going to say yes or no, and if you say yes, I’m going to say, great, tell me what you want.

I want people to see the fact that they think they know what they want, they think they know what they’re trying to accomplish, but they don’t.

Lack of clarity is a huge problem for people but critical when running a business.

Here is a simple reflective practice that will help you gain the clarity you’ve been looking for.

The Clarity Process

Ask yourself these two questions over and over again for a minimum of 15 minutes.

  1. What am I trying to accomplish?

2. What is standing in the way of me accomplishing that?

3. Repeat 1 and 2 Continue for minimum of 15 minutes.

You can do this in a journal but it’s a 100 times more powerful to do it with a friend or your coach.

This reflective practices will help you cut through the noise and start focusing on what really matters, waking you up to clarity, direction and motivation.

Clearly your,

Greg (Clarity Coach) Clowminzer
San Diego Business Coach

PS Here are few ways I can help you.

1. Let’s jump on a Skype/Zoom, FaceTime or phone call and have a heart to heart about what’s possible for you and your business. Book a discovery call here.

2. Join my FaceBook Page where I host Live Trainings and Q&A events where you can ask me anythings.

3. Attend my next 3 Day Coaching Immersion Programs where I teach the single most important thing you need to know to achieve the highest levels of performance and well-being.

Who is Greg Clowminzer?

An Interview with San Diego Voyager

Today we’d like to introduce you to Greg Clowminzer.

Greg, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.

I was a stressed-out young professional who was disillusioned with my career path and lifestyle back in the day. I was on a fast track at the time and became a partner and vice president of a commercial investment real estate company specializing in sales and acquisition of multi-family properties. I was very active in the community and held several leadership positions at both a local and state level.

The good news is I was making a decent living which afforded me to invest in myself. As I begin learning about myself and what made me tick and I started to get really excited about what I was learning and couldn’t wait to share it with others. Although I was quite shocked that others didn’t share my same enthusiasm for my new understandings. Read more

A 3 Principles Based Conversation

San Diego Business and Life Coach Greg Clowminzer has a 3 Principles based conversation with Joy Avila.

In this video I wanted to demonstrate how to integrate the 3 Principles into what appears to be just an ordinary conversation to assist both the participate Joy Avila as well as the viewer into the nature of the 3 Principles and how they are always at work underneath the human experience.

Rules of Engagement – The Basics for Effective Communication

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. -George Bernard Shaw

Your Guide To Being A Better Communicator and Listener

Being a better communicator and listener begins with a commitment to peace, love and understanding.

I believe that much of the suffering in the world could be reduced if people would simply adhere to what I call, Rules of Engagement – The basics of effective communication.

I have put together the following list of ways to show up in a conversation that allows for true understanding to occur.

Although many of the skills seem obvious, it takes practice and a real commitment to adhere to them.

• See communication as an opportunity and a gift rather than a challenge or threat.
• Communication improves when you slow down.
• Don’t interrupt when someone is speaking.
• Don’t criticize, judge or make someone wrong.
• Listen to understand versus reply.
• Maintain good eye contact when possible.
• Be an open and nonjudgmental listener.
• Speak in “I” statements.
• Avoid he said, she said.
• Only share your deepest truth.
• Be able to distinguish facts from judgments, opinions, assumptions and feelings.
• Eliminate gossip.
• Be direct and ask for what you want.
• Practice a high quality of attention when listening.
• Practice self-awareness before speaking.
• If you don’t understand something ask for clarification.
• Acknowledge the speaker.
• Be generous with your listening.
• Let others speak first.
• Set aside preconceived ideas.
• Understand the subject that you are communicating about. Don’t wander off-topic or subject.
• Welcome all thoughts, feelings and insights without invalidating.
• Become comfortable with silence and pregnant pauses.
• Ask a well thought out question, wait and listen.
• Go deeper with one question.
• Refrain from interrogating.
• Commit to getting yourself understood to the best of your ability.
• Own your judgments, feelings and reactions as your stuff, don’t make it about someone else.
• Reduce or eliminate self referencing.
• Be present to what’s arising in your own consciousness and communicate that.
• Receive and release another’s communication.
• Avoid trip laying.
• Ask, don’t tell.
• Get permission before offering feedback, coaching or advice.

Every relationship issues boils down to a lack of understanding.

And a lack of understanding is very costly in both the workplace and home life.

Please share this guide for effective communication with friends, family, and co-workers.

Become a Better Communicator By Working With Coach Greg

I offer communication training for couples, business partners and organizations who want to strengthen key relationships.

Greg Clowminzer
Communication Coach

PS Here are few ways I can help you.

1. Request a free Communication Coaching Consultation and have a heart to heart about what’s possible for you and the people you care about. Book a call here.

2. Join my FaceBook Page where I host Live Trainings and Q&A events where you can ask me anythings.

3. Attend my next 3 Day Coaching Immersion Programs where I teach the single most important thing you need to know  to achieve the highest levels of performance and well-being.