Professionals Discover The Key To High Performance

What if the solution to your business performance issues had nothing to do with working harder, creating better systems, more accountability, better processes, the economy, motivation, credentials and education?

Rarely does it occur to a professional that the bottles neck in business performance issues are a result of their feeling state or state of mind.

It’s this internal state of mind of discouragement, dissatisfaction, complacency, lack of enthusiasm and pressure that is responsible for the professionals low energy and poor performance. Read more

Stop Consuming and Copying, Start Creating

At some point you must stop looking at what everyone else is doing in your industry and come up with your own unique message around your own voice.
Yeah, but I don’t have time to create. I am in survival mode and I need to make something happen with my business.
Many professional feel a tremendous amount of pressure to perform, to get some points on the board.
But you want to know how they spend their time. Doing research.
What I call getting ready to to get ready.
This can look like a lot of different things. Like studying what your competitors are doing, reading and watching videos related to your industry. Maybe even continuing your education with more and more certifications.
I am not saying that it’s not helpful to do a little market research and master your craft but many professionals get stuck here.

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A Cure For Business Related Stress

Consistently work on your projects, goals and visions with common sense, but don’t get hung up on the results and outcomes.

Let go of your expectations and demands that things should turn out a certain way.

The source of your stress is your expectations and demands, the remedy to stress is do what you can and let the rest take care of itself.

Your well-being is revealed when you let go of your personal agenda and obsessive desire for a specific outcome.

Let go of thinking people should buy your products, services or brilliant ideas and peace of mind will find you.

Would you like to work with me to get traction on a special project stress-free?

If you are intersted in learning how to live and work a stress-free life, join my next 3 Day Coaching Immersion Program called “Coming Home To Your Innate Well-Being” contact me directly for details.

Have You Ever Lost Your Car Keys?

Helping People Find What It Is That They’ve Lost

Most people at some point in their lives have experienced the anxiety or stress associated with losing something.

Please watch this video as it will give you some context and background for why I do what I do.

I hope you enjoy it.

The Answers Lie Within You

Well if you’re like me you’ve probably heard this saying “the answers lie within you”.
Although this is true what I have found particularly difficult is discerning the two type of thinking and voices within me.
You see if I’m not careful and I can listen to the wrong voice (type of thinking) within me, which means I’m off track, suffering, struggling and perhaps even lost.
So in this short video I’m going to be talking about a distinction that can help you cultivate a relationship with your inner wisdom versus the habitual thinking that can lead you astray.
So the distinction I want to talk about is signal versus noise.

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Top 12 Reasons Why People Reach Out To Me For Coaching

Top 12 Reasons Why People Reach Out To Me For Coaching

1. Looking for direction on which way to take the business.

2. Overwhelmed with too many ideas and need a sounding board in order to get clear about which ideas or opportunities to pursue.

3. Too busy reacting and problem-solving instead of focusing on what’s most important.

4. Being run by their fear of letting down – family, employees, clients/customers.

5. Feeling stuck without a game plan. Read more

The Inner Game of Business Part 4

How to Master the Inner Game of Business is a four-part video series designed to introduce you to the secret behind business and performance.

As a businesses coach one of the things we see with business owners, entrepreneurs and professional’s is that when you become more successful the complexity of running a business seems to multiply for many business owners.

You may find yourself wearing so many different hats that you get lost in terms of what to focus on and what truly matters. Read more