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Authentic Man Program – ‘Inner Game’ for Being More Authentic …

The Authentic Man Program Teaches Men How To Naturally Create Primal Sexual Attraction With Women, Eliminate Approach Anxiety and Create Deep Connections 

Listen to what my friend Bryan from AMP has to say here.

I want you to imagine something for me.

Imagine what it would be like if any woman you were sexually attracted to automatically responded to you in a way that would tell you she was interested and turned on by you, too.

You look into her eyes and there’s a softness. Her body is completely relaxed around you. She nervously twirls her hair and giggles for no reason. When you brush your hand against hers, she leans in closer and gently folds her fingers around yours.

There’s a *zing* that you feel viscerally in your gut. You feel the potential for something more to happen between you…there’s an invitation from her to come closer, do more…

It feels effortless. It feels completely free and natural. You feel infinitely in your POWER as a man around ANY woman, because you never have to feel afraid, rejected, weak, or anxious. EVER.

I’m betting that if you’re reading this, this isn’t the typical experience you’re having with women. Not even close.

So what ACTUALLY happens to you instead?

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Coaching Skills For Mastering The Game Of Life

http://zencoach.wpengine.com This a self-help and coaching process that is valuable for entrepreneurs, small business owners, professionals or anyone on the path of real personal growth.

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Father’s Day – How Does Fatherhood Change Your Life?

I am a first time father getting ready to experience my first fathers day. Although I am new to fatherhood I have been giving parenting advice for 16 years. What I have noticed is a parenting style where you put your child at the center of your universe to the exclusion of your own self-care leads to disaster. Also many new parents are often obsessed with being the PERFECT parent rather than enjoying parenthood.

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