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Author: Greg Clowminzer

Greg Clowminzer is a pioneering business and leadership coach with over 10,000 hours of real time coaching experience. Greg coaches and consults with CEOs, small business owners and professionals, helping them clarify their vision, create unique strategies for success and developing the necessary skills to be a leader and effectively exercise leadership as their natural self-expression.

Why I Decided To Become A Coach

Living in a world with so many outside influences many people have lost sight of what makes them happy. I was one of those people who found myself trapped in a lucrative profession making lots of money but was completely miserable. I was blessed at a early age to discover that money doesn’t equal happiness. I have spent the last 17-18 years orienting my life around what makes me happy and helping others do the same.

Watch the video below called “Money Doesn’t Equal Happiness” and let me know if you can relate.

I’d LOVE to hear from you, so please leave me a comment down below and let me know if this was valuable for you!  And if you liked this post today, tweet it, FB it, and spread the word!  Thank you so much!

Business Consulting | Business Coaching | Time Management | Sales Coaching | Management Consulting | Executive Coaching | Life Coaching | Business Leadership | Stress Management | Leadership Coaching | Executive Leadership | Sales Consulting | Conflict Resolution | Success Coaching | Strategic Consulting | Personal Coaching | Management Coaching | Professional Coaching | Executive Consulting & other Consulting Services.
Greg Clowminzer is a life and business coach located at 6351 Alexandri Circle, Carlsbad CA 92011.

13 Strategies For Generating More Leads

  1. Have a colleague in a non-competitive business write an endorsed letter on your behalf to his/her clients. You write the letter and take care of the mailing expenses. Offer your friend editing rights to make him comfortable.
  2. Go to local chamber of commerce and offer to help them with their accounting for free for 6 months (your success will generate referrals). Think of them as a center of influence with 1,000+ businesses they might refer you to. Read more

Empower The Entrepreneur In You

This post is a recap of some of the ideas I presented at a workshop for business owners and entrepreneurs sponsored by Accion San Diego. The following video is the power point presentation from that event.

For a long time I have struggled with what seems to be two opposing forces. One being the nature of business and how to make money and the awakening of my spiritually. It wasn’t until I started Read more

12 Reasons Why A Small Business Fails

Why do businesses fail? With all the effort people put into starting up businesses, you’d think more would succeed. But thousands of small businesses fail each year.

Take a moment and watch this short video where I will cover several reasons why small businesses fail.


Are you stuck, stressed out and overwhelmed with running your business? Schedule a complimentary initial consultation to see if coaching could be the help you need.

Call today (760) 930-9604

Have You Ever Been Laughed At Or Disregarded?

I am going to share an important discovery I have made after coaching hundreds of people.

Are you ready?

Okay, here it is. Share the stuff that keeps you small in order to get big.

Don’t worry your coach doesn’t need to know your deep dark secrets. Those are yours to keep as long as you like.

What will help you benefit from coaching is to share the private concerns you have about yourself and your abilities.

You see, just in communicating these things to someone who is trained to listen to you openly without any judgement is often all it takes to move through these self doubts and fear.

Have you ever been laughed at or disregarded for sharing an idea or feeling that was real for you? Read more

Stages Of Human Development

Did you know that there is a parallel between the stages of human development and business development?

Check out this video and discover for yourself how evolved you really are.


Here is a secret, most people are stuck in the first two stages and don’t even know there is another way.

  • Stage 1 Dependance
  • Stage 2 Independence
  • Stage 3 Interdependent
  • Stage 4 Inter developmental
  • Stage 5 Interconnectedness

Okay, go check it out and let me know what you think.

How To Create A 10-Second Elevator Pitch

Overcoming the dreadful question “What do you do?”

Elevator pitches are powerful marketing tools that tell your story quickly. They are useful for any business person to have in their bag of networking tools.

Do you hate it when you are at a networking event and someone ask you “What do you do?”  If so here is a simple exercise that can help you overcome that dreadful question.

Feel free to leave your elevator pitch in the comment section below.