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Author: Greg Clowminzer

Greg Clowminzer is a pioneering business and leadership coach with over 10,000 hours of real time coaching experience. Greg coaches and consults with CEOs, small business owners and professionals, helping them clarify their vision, create unique strategies for success and developing the necessary skills to be a leader and effectively exercise leadership as their natural self-expression.

Affordable Outsourcing For Small Business Owners

If you’re like me you are on complete information overload. With today’s technology, there are many ways to market your business. There is something new every day. LinkedIn, Squidoo, Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, Articles, Blogging, Email Marketing, and the list goes on and on. Read more

The Art and Practice of Dyads – A Communication Workshop

Got Challenges?

Get The Support You Need

“If you are feeling stuck in life, dealing with big challenges or simply want to reconnect with yourself in a deep and meaningful way, then I urge you to join me for what will be a very special day.” -Greg

Greg Clowminzer will spend a relaxed day exploring the power of dyads. With dyads we set aside the normal learning culture of books and knowledge gained through training. Using dyads we learn to trust ourselves and to speak from that place of inner awareness. This inner awareness takes time and support and it can’t be rushed. Wisdom grows for each in it’s own way. Read more

18 Practices To Bring Greater Abundance Into Your Life

“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.”
– Epictetus

We attract abundance into our lives according to who we are. When we are being loving, grateful, open and conscious, we magnetize good things to us on both the spiritual and material planes. To help us be more, we may need initially to do more: to think, feel and act differently. To act as if…. To fake it till we make it, with awareness. Here are some basic practices that will bring greater abundance to your life as you deepen your attitudes and habits of love and sharing.

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How To Integrate Your Spirituality In The Workplace and Life

For many people embracing a spiritual path can take time for others it comes on suddenly. In either case  the challenge of how to integrate your spirituality into your work and life can be baffling.

For some people the whole notion of spirituality may have been the very last thing on your mind but now you find yourself considering your life purpose, WHO AM I?, WHY AM I HERE?, and WHERE AM I GOING?. This inquiry can be brought on by economic challenges, the loss of a loved one and personal illness. Read more

Network Marketing Success Depends On Deep Listening

Master the Most Important Skill of Network Marketing

One of the biggest complaints leaders in network marketing have is that the people on their teams just don’t listen. Clearly one of the most valuable skills network marketers must learn in order to truly succeed is “how to listen”.

Learning to ask the right questions and then just SHUT UP!

So many network marketers are losing business because that can’t keep their mouth shut.

Watch this series of video for insights into Why Bother Listening?  and How To Listen More Effectively?

PLUS a bonus video covering “The FIVE Conversation All Network Marketers Must Learn To Master”

Why is listening so important for network marketers. Discover some valuable tips about what it means to be a master at listening and take your business to the next level.

Five Conversation All Network Marketers Must Learn To Master

Principles of Individual Evolution

Are you entirely satisfied with who, what, or where you are now? Most of us aspire to be or have something different than we enjoy at present. “Becoming” is a part of this life, and that’s what evolution is all about–becoming more than you are, or appear to be, at present. Here are ten principles that may guide you in your quest.

1. Whatever you are experiencing at this very moment is appropriate to your need to grow.

If what’s happening to you currently is unpleasant, this can be a tough one to swallow. This is called the “rule of appropriateness” and it is based on a simple premise: the purpose of your life (your’s, mine, everyone’s) is growth (No, happiness is a by-product) The implications of this principle are immense: if you aren’t happy where you are, you will be required to learn the lesson in volved before you will be able to move on.

2. It doesn’t matter what happened or who did it to you. The only thing that matters is what you do about it.

I learned this from W. Mitchell, who suffered paralysis and burns over 80% of his body as a result of successive motorcycle and aircraft accidents. Mitchell is living proof of this statement. He has shown me and countless others, that it really doesn’t make a difference what happened to you; the only thing that makes a differences is WHAT YOU DO ABOUT IT! Think about the actions you can (must) take to change your situation. That’s the beginning of evolution.

3. You are NOT alone.

This may be a difficult to concept to hold on to when you’re up to your armpits in alligators, but it’true. You are an essential part of a huge interconnected mass of information and energy, and that energy is spiritual, not material. The “new” physics (actually, it’s ancient wisdom) has gone to great lengths to explain that all matter is really 98% empty space, and that what we regard as solid body is really invisible non-material sub-atomic particles. But it goes further. You are a spiritual being (admit it or not) and your identify transcends your body, this earth, and the experience of death.

4. You don’t have to

Connectedness is a fact, not an achievement. You can’t even change it, you can only refuse to admit it! Your identity and being are sustained regardless of what you do or what happens to you.

5. There is a purpose, and you are part of it.

You are idea, the creation of a Principle which operates according to an invariable purpose, of which you are an integral part. This fact is all too often obscured by the random events that occur in “this” life. Which brings us to the next point…

6. We live simultaneously in two realities.

Most of the time, we’re held by our pereceptions and our current state of awareness, in the “world reality”–a material, sensory, and sometimes random complex of events, persons, things and concepts. This reality seems real because we see it, hear it, smell it, touch it, and taste it, but like the apparent solidity of the human body, it ISN’T real. It’s a construction of reality. Beyond this world reality, there is a universal reality and self that are spiritual, perfect, and eternal–untouched by the transient events of the world reality.

7. Lack is an unnatural state.

Lack is a part of the world reality which is based on an entropic universe in which everything gradually runs down and dies out. Poverty is the tragic result of our acceptance of lack as an acceptable state. In contrast, the true state of universal reality is abundance–infinite creation from an infinite reservoir of information and energy. To overcome lack, you must reject it peremptorily as being either acceptable or real. This is both an act of faith and an essential elements in the process of evolution.

8. Evolution begins with faith rather than fact.

If you’re blind, you cannot experience color. You have to take it on faith. Similarly, spiritual reality is not provable through perception, facts, or logic. In Zen, what’s required is termed, “a great leap of faith”, in Christian terminology, it’s “having faith as a grain of mustard seed”. Faith is the beginning and the end. In biblical terms, it is “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

9. Evolution precedes transcendence.

Evolution involves a gradual change from one state to another. Transcendence involves letting go of everything that limits you. Evolution is improvement; trancendence is renewal. To be evolved is to embrace both realities effortlessly. To transcend is to relinquish the world (material) reality in favor of the universal (spiritual) reality. Full transcendence seldom occurs on this side of the death experience.

10. Letting go.

We are bound to this world by what we have to have. Little by little, we are forced by circumstance and destiny to let go of worldly things and ultimately, of this life itself. The trick is to recognize that letting go doesn’t need to be a sacrifice. True letting go is a peaceful event.

Would you like to learn more?

For more information about how you might benift from coaching contact Greg at (760) 930-9604

Get Your 9-FREE Personal Development Video’s: Click Here

Magic of the MasterMind: How to Ignite the Power of People to Create Extraordinary Results

How big would you dare to dream if you had the support of a highly-skilled team of like-minded individuals behind you? Are you wondering how to move beyond where you are today, and take your business to the next level?

A highly effective MasterMind group could very well be the most powerful tool you ever apply to your business.  MasterMinding is absolutely essential for anyone who wants to succeed… anyone who is committed to achieving at an exponential level… anyone who has been drained by the endless challenges of running and growing a business.

To put it simply, MasterMinding is one of the easiest ways to breathe new life and action into just about any situation.

Ready for Results?

Anything that you can do on your own, you can do faster with a MasterMind.

Don’t wait. Every day that you’re in business without the power of a MasterMind behind you, you’re exposing yourself to a world of unnecessary risks and challenges. You no longer have to be the lone ranger entrepreneur.

Remember… Together Everyone Achieves More.

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MasterMind Book Cover
