Category: COACHING

12 Reasons Why A Small Business Fails

Why do businesses fail? With all the effort people put into starting up businesses, you’d think more would succeed. But thousands of small businesses fail each year.

Take a moment and watch this short video where I will cover several reasons why small businesses fail.


Are you stuck, stressed out and overwhelmed with running your business? Schedule a complimentary initial consultation to see if coaching could be the help you need.

Call today (760) 930-9604

Have You Ever Been Laughed At Or Disregarded?

I am going to share an important discovery I have made after coaching hundreds of people.

Are you ready?

Okay, here it is. Share the stuff that keeps you small in order to get big.

Don’t worry your coach doesn’t need to know your deep dark secrets. Those are yours to keep as long as you like.

What will help you benefit from coaching is to share the private concerns you have about yourself and your abilities.

You see, just in communicating these things to someone who is trained to listen to you openly without any judgement is often all it takes to move through these self doubts and fear.

Have you ever been laughed at or disregarded for sharing an idea or feeling that was real for you? Read more

Business or Life Coach? – How To Choose The One That’s Right For You

There are so many coaches out there, from all walks of life. But if you are picking a coach to work with you, you can’t afford to make the wrong decision and start all over again with someone else. So how do you separate the sales spin from the reality and be confident that the coach you chose is right for you? Read more

Why Hire A Business Coach?

Today there is a growing knowledge of the term business coach. Not many years back, very few people were familiar with the term or exactly what one did. More familiarity was in terms such as business advisors and business consultants. Even though these terms are often put in the same category as coaching, they are not the same. Read more

Take The First Step To Setting Better Goals

We all have goals. Most of the time we spend thinking about our goals, we seem to strive to find more negative reasons as to why not to pursue them than positive ones. The following questions are a preliminary step in discovering what your goals are, who you are, and how you feel towards change.

On a piece of paper, jot down the answers to the following questions. As you answer these questions, you may have more of your own that come up, just write Read more

Who Needs A Business or Life Coach?

One of the questions I am asked quite a bit is, “Who needs a business or life coach anyway?”. And the answer may surprise you. “NO one  needs a coach”. Blasphemous, right? But it’s the truth! Nobody needs a Coach. Just like nobody needs a personal trainer, or nobody needs a financial advisor.

Hiring someone in a support profession is a CHOICE. It is a choice that you make in service of your very best interests. It’s as though you are saying to yourself, “I am really SERIOUS about what I want to achieve in my life, and I want to give myself every opportunity to follow through and finally DO it”. Read more

Right Actions Produce Better Results

Right Actions 1. Start with the end in mind. Develop a clear picture of what you want to accomplish. State the end results in one sentence that even a child can imagine, understand and remember. Consider the power of President Kennedy’s goal “to send a man to the moon and bring him safely back home within this decade”. Thousands of people did very detailed work and spent billions of dollars based on this simply stated goal.
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