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How To Integrate Your Spirituality In The Workplace and Life

For many people embracing a spiritual path can take time for others it comes on suddenly. In either case  the challenge of how to integrate your spirituality into your work and life can be baffling.

For some people the whole notion of spirituality may have been the very last thing on your mind but now you find yourself considering your life purpose, WHO AM I?, WHY AM I HERE?, and WHERE AM I GOING?. This inquiry can be brought on by economic challenges, the loss of a loved one and personal illness. Read more

Network Marketing Success Depends On Deep Listening

Master the Most Important Skill of Network Marketing

One of the biggest complaints leaders in network marketing have is that the people on their teams just don’t listen. Clearly one of the most valuable skills network marketers must learn in order to truly succeed is “how to listen”.

Learning to ask the right questions and then just SHUT UP!

So many network marketers are losing business because that can’t keep their mouth shut.

Watch this series of video for insights into Why Bother Listening?  and How To Listen More Effectively?

PLUS a bonus video covering “The FIVE Conversation All Network Marketers Must Learn To Master”

Why is listening so important for network marketers. Discover some valuable tips about what it means to be a master at listening and take your business to the next level.

Five Conversation All Network Marketers Must Learn To Master

Principles of Individual Evolution

Are you entirely satisfied with who, what, or where you are now? Most of us aspire to be or have something different than we enjoy at present. “Becoming” is a part of this life, and that’s what evolution is all about–becoming more than you are, or appear to be, at present. Here are ten principles that may guide you in your quest.

1. Whatever you are experiencing at this very moment is appropriate to your need to grow.

If what’s happening to you currently is unpleasant, this can be a tough one to swallow. This is called the “rule of appropriateness” and it is based on a simple premise: the purpose of your life (your’s, mine, everyone’s) is growth (No, happiness is a by-product) The implications of this principle are immense: if you aren’t happy where you are, you will be required to learn the lesson in volved before you will be able to move on.

2. It doesn’t matter what happened or who did it to you. The only thing that matters is what you do about it.

I learned this from W. Mitchell, who suffered paralysis and burns over 80% of his body as a result of successive motorcycle and aircraft accidents. Mitchell is living proof of this statement. He has shown me and countless others, that it really doesn’t make a difference what happened to you; the only thing that makes a differences is WHAT YOU DO ABOUT IT! Think about the actions you can (must) take to change your situation. That’s the beginning of evolution.

3. You are NOT alone.

This may be a difficult to concept to hold on to when you’re up to your armpits in alligators, but it’true. You are an essential part of a huge interconnected mass of information and energy, and that energy is spiritual, not material. The “new” physics (actually, it’s ancient wisdom) has gone to great lengths to explain that all matter is really 98% empty space, and that what we regard as solid body is really invisible non-material sub-atomic particles. But it goes further. You are a spiritual being (admit it or not) and your identify transcends your body, this earth, and the experience of death.

4. You don’t have to

Connectedness is a fact, not an achievement. You can’t even change it, you can only refuse to admit it! Your identity and being are sustained regardless of what you do or what happens to you.

5. There is a purpose, and you are part of it.

You are idea, the creation of a Principle which operates according to an invariable purpose, of which you are an integral part. This fact is all too often obscured by the random events that occur in “this” life. Which brings us to the next point…

6. We live simultaneously in two realities.

Most of the time, we’re held by our pereceptions and our current state of awareness, in the “world reality”–a material, sensory, and sometimes random complex of events, persons, things and concepts. This reality seems real because we see it, hear it, smell it, touch it, and taste it, but like the apparent solidity of the human body, it ISN’T real. It’s a construction of reality. Beyond this world reality, there is a universal reality and self that are spiritual, perfect, and eternal–untouched by the transient events of the world reality.

7. Lack is an unnatural state.

Lack is a part of the world reality which is based on an entropic universe in which everything gradually runs down and dies out. Poverty is the tragic result of our acceptance of lack as an acceptable state. In contrast, the true state of universal reality is abundance–infinite creation from an infinite reservoir of information and energy. To overcome lack, you must reject it peremptorily as being either acceptable or real. This is both an act of faith and an essential elements in the process of evolution.

8. Evolution begins with faith rather than fact.

If you’re blind, you cannot experience color. You have to take it on faith. Similarly, spiritual reality is not provable through perception, facts, or logic. In Zen, what’s required is termed, “a great leap of faith”, in Christian terminology, it’s “having faith as a grain of mustard seed”. Faith is the beginning and the end. In biblical terms, it is “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

9. Evolution precedes transcendence.

Evolution involves a gradual change from one state to another. Transcendence involves letting go of everything that limits you. Evolution is improvement; trancendence is renewal. To be evolved is to embrace both realities effortlessly. To transcend is to relinquish the world (material) reality in favor of the universal (spiritual) reality. Full transcendence seldom occurs on this side of the death experience.

10. Letting go.

We are bound to this world by what we have to have. Little by little, we are forced by circumstance and destiny to let go of worldly things and ultimately, of this life itself. The trick is to recognize that letting go doesn’t need to be a sacrifice. True letting go is a peaceful event.

Would you like to learn more?

For more information about how you might benift from coaching contact Greg at (760) 930-9604

Get Your 9-FREE Personal Development Video’s: Click Here

How To Increase YOUR Personal Performance

“It is not only by the questions we have answered that progress may be measured, but also by those we are still asking. …knowledge alters what we seek as well as what we find.” – Freda Adler

This is ONE of the most IMPORTANT tools you may EVER use!!!

I recommend you spend time each month questioning YOUR LIFE. Take an honest appraisal of what’s REALLY going on with the help of the 7 P’s Personal Performance Process. It will give you clarity, insight, solutions and priorities which you can begin to take conscious action. Read more

Why Goal Setting Is SMART

“When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life.” — Greg Anderson


What goals do you want to accomplish this year and in this lifetime?


Write them down! If we set our direction clearly, we have the foundation for effective decision-making. It will be clear to us what actions will move us towards our goals. This helps us develop intention and attention to what we want to achieve in life.


“The purpose of goals is to focus our attention. The mind will not reach toward achievement until it has clear objectives. The magic begins when we set goals. It is then that the switch is turned on, the current begins to flow, and the power to accomplish becomes a reality.” –From The Best of Success, compiled by Wynn Davis

Get Your 9-FREE Personal Development Video’s: Click Here

What is a direct experience?

What is a direct experience?

Words can not describe a direct experience because it is beyond words, symbols or conceptualization. It is beyond all the indirect methods we commonly depend on for knowing; sensing, thinking, believing, deciding, reasoning, or feeling. And yet, when a direct experience happens, it is self evident beyond certainty and doubt.

Again, enlightenment is a direct experience of the absolute Truth and the Truth is that which exists apart from our perception or conception of it.

In the case of self-enlightenment gained from using the question, “Who am I?” it means that you are in direct contact with the truth of your “I.” The previous sentence seems to suggest that there are two of you: you and your “I.” This is a result of the duality in our language and not the case in actuality. In the case of self-enlightenment you are at one with your “I” in the sense of being your true “I” consciously.

In the state of direct experience (enlightenment), there is no mental dichotomy, no subject-object duality but an at-one-ness with your self. People who have achieved a direct experience of self speak from their deepest or highest source. They no longer identify themselves as only being their body, emotions, thoughts, mind or the roles they may play in life. Such people speak from themselves without having to refer to their past thoughts or the thoughts of others. A person who has had a direct experience of self increasingly sees each moment in life as a new and unique experience and does not tend to be stuck in a limited way of seeing things.

Enlightenment Intensive Meditation Retreat

If you have attended an Enlightenment Intensive with Greg Clowminzer before, then you know how dramatically they can change your life. In this focused environment, you can discover an entirely new perspective, a new way to see and interpret your experience, a new depth and breadth of consciousness itself. Indeed, as one recent participant told us:

“The experience of being at the intensive has shown me that there is a completely different way to live from a completely different motivation. Being at the intensive has enforced my understanding of who I actually am, and THE WAY to live my life.” — P.B.

Dear Friends,

Every one of us desires to be awake. Every one of us desires to live from deeper authenticity. We all want to be more real as well as to have relationships that are more real.

Who Are You?
Beyond your job, education, possessions, cultural background, sex, religion, conditioning and personal history…

What Are You?
Beyond all your current understanding, memories, knowledge and spiritual background…

Even though ‘Answers’ to all these questions can be found in the sacred texts of the world, the ‘Answers’ are like the menu at a restaurant – the menu is not the meal! The menu is only a tantalizing description of what can be tasted…

On an Enlightenment Intensive you are invited to ‘taste’ and ‘devour’ the Real Meal.

There is no menu to read over and intellectualize about – no second hand descriptions – only the real life work of plunging into the depth of “Truth”, with the intent to eat from the plate of Real, First Hand Experience.

The Enlightenment Intensive calls to that part of you which yearns for, and intuits, the reality that there can be a total and deep fulfillment.

For thousands of years there have been a few individuals from all cultures who have wondered “What is the meaning of it all?”

This quest for ‘There’s gotta be more than this!?’ has been going on since the beginning of time. You may have experienced the spectrum of life’s highs and lows – somehow being drawn inward to find more depth and meaning.

Then it may dawn on you, either gradually or suddenly, that “There must be more to this life?” than following the status quo. There must be more to the “Dream” sold to us by society, religion, parents, and ingrained institutions.

Even those who’s worldly success is considered formidable by others gradually come to feel the nagging hollowness and short lived ‘high’ that comes from attaining their outward successes.

Enlightenment is something that is not describable by words or emotions… only pointed to by sacred scripture, teachers and holy books.

This “Enlightenment” cannot be gained or grasped by the intellect.

And, It cannot be earned by penance.

It is a moment of Union with Truth, the Absolute Truth of your inquiry.

It is beyond all thought, feelings or vision.

It is “Knowing” without a “how” that is granted by Grace itself.

All you can do is to practice for Enlightenment Readiness.

It has been said that Enlightenment is an accident and that diligent practice only makes you “accident-prone”!

The Enlightenment Intensive is a tremendously powerful event in which a high percentage of individuals have a true and direct realization of the Truth.Unencumbered by philosophy, dogma, prior conditioning, or knowledge.

The Enlightenment Intensive is extremely powerful for new seekers of Truth as well as veteran ‘seekers’ and ‘finders’. No meditation experience is necessary. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, this workshop will allow you to greatly increase and deepen your potential for a direct experience of Truth.

Any other growth work you do will be greatly enhanced because you have a ground of being rooted in reality. When you allow yourself to ’empty your cup’, the possibility of “Depth” to be had is infinite.

People have learned:

• How to focus their intent in a profound and powerful way
• How to achieve a quiet, peaceful mind in the midst of everyday chaos
• How to experience the opening of their heart when everything else seems to try to close it
• How to experience great compassion for each other and/or all living things
• How to love themselves more than they ever have
• How to experience a sense of profound ease with self

Benefits participants have received:

• The ability to be open to whatever occurs for you in each moment, without judgement
• Developing a tremendous spiritual practice of self-acceptance
• Honest communication with others
• Discovering that they are just fine, no matter what their current experiences happen to be
• They began to live life more and more from that profound awareness of “Truth”
• A deep and lasting sense of relief in everyday life
• A tremendous surge of life energy
• Directly experiencing Who and What You Are?
• Working through their own fear of emotion, pain and/or death
• Keys to breaking through all the barriers encountered on the way to the Enlightenment experience

As you can see, this workshop is having a profound impact on people’s lives and relationships in very positive ways. If you fully participate in this workshop I can guarantee you too will experience similar lasting results!

Greg Clowminzer is Zen Coach a self-realized spiritual teacher and life success coach who has been studying and practicing not only martial arts and meditation but also shamanic healing arts, tantra, humanistic psychology, yoga, life coaching, and other spiritual and esoteric traditions from around the world for the last 20 years – and by now should know to keep his mouth shut – but has too much information he wantsto share with you in order to transform you into a total master of living alife of true happiness – one that you can operate effectively in a cool and sexy way in today’s modern world.

Greg lives just north of San Diego, CA and is founder of zencoach.com which coaches and consults withindividuals and groups, helping them awaken to a greater purpose and meaning intheir personal and professional lives. Greg use a blend of eastern and western views as a means of introducing people to the untapped potential of the human spirit.


Enlightenment Intensives are offered several times each year. To be notified of upcoming events please SUBMIT your information below.  For immediate assistance call 760-930-9604.

Personal Development for Conscious Entrepreneurs

9-Steps To Creating An Extraordinary Life & Business

Anyone who is living a meaningful life needs a strong foundation which gives them confidence to look up at the STARS instead of down at their feet. Having a strong personal foundation allows a person to fully use their skills and resources, because instead of constantly worrying about the fundamentals of their life, they are free to focus on working toward their goals. The higher you want to build your life and business, the stronger your foundation needs to be otherwise, you put yourself at unnecessary RISK.

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