Category: COACHING

What is Life Coaching?

In coaching there is a saying “the client has all the answers” which I say is true. So if the client has all the answers why in the world would anyone investment good money in hiring a coach. I say a good coach is asking a kind of question that allows the client to open up to a new kind of thinking, in new ways, to handle a new set of issues and concerns, as a result of his/her evolutionary process. I see that most people are trying to solve today’s issues with yesterdays thinking, and as a result people are feeling stuck and confused as to why there old ways of thinking and being aren’t working.

A big part of the life coaching process starts with an assessment of 8-key areas of your life. And in the following video I explain how the wheel of life coaching tool, helps you assess where you are and where you may want to focus your attention when working with a life coach.

The coaching process invites you to enter into several conversation about what is possible for you in your life. I also talk about the life coaches role and a specific coaching model for bringing out the clients very best.

Are you curious about what is possible for you?

Schedule a complementary “What’s Possible For You” coaching consultation today!

Call (760) 930-9604
Greg Clowminzer
San Diego Life Coach

Most Affordable Coaching Program Available

Okay, I call this the most affordable coaching program available because there is no out of pocket investment at all. I learned this daily coaching process from Marshall Goldsmith when I last heard him speak at the San Diego Professional Coaches Alliance monthly meeting.

As human beings I believe that we often do our best work when we are held accountable to those things that hold value for us. Watch the video below as Marshall explains a simple but powerful daily coaching practice that can be learned and implemented  quickly and produces terrific results. I have used this process myself and also encourage my mastermind participants to do the same.

After watching this video make sure that you follow these helpful steps. Read more

The Daily Focus Session

Welcome to the Daily Focus Session


Many self-employed people as well as those who work for others find it increasingly difficult to maintain clarity, focus and passion on a daily basis. I would like to share with you a simple process that will help you take back control of your life and business. I call it “The Daily Focus Session”. It can be learned quickly and produces powerful results.

This is a very powerful process that I use personally and with my coaching clients to help achieve more success and happiness.

Watch this video first to get a basic understanding of the context and background of this process.

Download The Daily Focus Session Worksheet ==>> CLICK HERE

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How To Increase Your Productivity

The coaching process is discussion and action-based, so helping the client to create an action plan is an integral part of coaching. An action plan is a list of steps (actions) that the client is going to take, which should lead to the result that they want. Most action plans are time lined also, which means that dates have been added to each action so the plan is trackable.

Why This Works
The Action Plan puts down on paper what is going to happen and acts a guide and management system for the client and coach. Just putting this “into existence” helps to organize thought, prompt ideas, and identify needed resources. Read more

Why I Decided To Become A Coach

Living in a world with so many outside influences many people have lost sight of what makes them happy. I was one of those people who found myself trapped in a lucrative profession making lots of money but was completely miserable. I was blessed at a early age to discover that money doesn’t equal happiness. I have spent the last 17-18 years orienting my life around what makes me happy and helping others do the same.

Watch the video below called “Money Doesn’t Equal Happiness” and let me know if you can relate.

I’d LOVE to hear from you, so please leave me a comment down below and let me know if this was valuable for you!  And if you liked this post today, tweet it, FB it, and spread the word!  Thank you so much!

Business Consulting | Business Coaching | Time Management | Sales Coaching | Management Consulting | Executive Coaching | Life Coaching | Business Leadership | Stress Management | Leadership Coaching | Executive Leadership | Sales Consulting | Conflict Resolution | Success Coaching | Strategic Consulting | Personal Coaching | Management Coaching | Professional Coaching | Executive Consulting & other Consulting Services.
Greg Clowminzer is a life and business coach located at 6351 Alexandri Circle, Carlsbad CA 92011.

13 Strategies For Generating More Leads

  1. Have a colleague in a non-competitive business write an endorsed letter on your behalf to his/her clients. You write the letter and take care of the mailing expenses. Offer your friend editing rights to make him comfortable.
  2. Go to local chamber of commerce and offer to help them with their accounting for free for 6 months (your success will generate referrals). Think of them as a center of influence with 1,000+ businesses they might refer you to. Read more

Empower The Entrepreneur In You

This post is a recap of some of the ideas I presented at a workshop for business owners and entrepreneurs sponsored by Accion San Diego. The following video is the power point presentation from that event.

For a long time I have struggled with what seems to be two opposing forces. One being the nature of business and how to make money and the awakening of my spiritually. It wasn’t until I started Read more