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Author: Greg Clowminzer

Greg Clowminzer is a pioneering business and leadership coach with over 10,000 hours of real time coaching experience. Greg coaches and consults with CEOs, small business owners and professionals, helping them clarify their vision, create unique strategies for success and developing the necessary skills to be a leader and effectively exercise leadership as their natural self-expression.

99 Ways To Get More Clients Now!

Full PracticeBusiness owners, professional and entrepreneurs are often wondering what can I do to get more clients now. Well here is a list of ideas to get you started.

Do at least 25 of these.

1. Give your service away.
2. Give your services away to three clients who can get you all the clients you need.
3. Lead a workshop for your current clients and don’t charge them for it.
4. Lead a workshop for your friends, Read more

Living Truth – Conversations That Change Lives

What Would Life BE Without Friends?

Living Truth – is also known as Tuesday Night Group and would be best defined as a spiritual community.

We all long to be part of something greater than ourselves. Yet, left on our own it is easy to fool ourselves and the people around us. Participating in spiritual community is how we deepen our understanding of who we are and what is really TRUE for us.

I have had the honor of hosting weekly gatherings for many years. The things that I have learned Read more

The Power of Strategy

What are strategies, and how to use them to become more successful.

I am a believer that the right strategy ensures a successful outcome, and that the wrong — or outdated — strategy wastes valuable resources and needlessly delays the results. The trick is to select the perfect strategy — or have the ability to create it from scratch. In my view, the right strategies are what makes a person or company a success or Read more

How To Determine Your Target Market: Niche Exercise

There is a big difference between marketing your business and doing your business. One of the keys to building a successful business is to make sure your in front of the right people. That is people who need, want and are willing to pay for your product or services.

In this video I share a simple and fun exercise that helps you determine a successful targeted niche strategy focused on getting you in front of the people who want and need the specific thing that you offer.


Greg Clowminzer

How To Sharpen Your Business Edge

When running a small business it is very important to lay out a plan of where your business is, what you would you like to bring to the world through your business, where you want to take it and the best way to get there.

This can be a formal business plan, which is an excellent strategizing tool to develop for your business, which you can update and refocus from time to time. Or you can start with a more informal mission statement and assessment of your strengths Read more

Attracting The Big Life Coach | San Diego

Interview with Greg Clowminzer

by Tami Magaro

Q. What are the top things entrepreneurs generally struggle with?

Close to 90% of entrepreneurs I talk to self-diagnose themselves as having Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). They struggle to stay focused, keep clear priorities and follow through. It’s one of the biggest struggles. Entrepreneurs have one great idea after another. They are very creative and resourceful. Unfortunately, without focus these ideas are just a lot of great ideas never manifested. Removing distraction is very important. Entrepreneurs learn through talking so it’s important to provide a really safe place for them to articulate and verbalize their ideas so they can learn to synthesize.

Q. Do you use social media to market yourself?

Social media is relatively new. I’ve been using social media more in the last 6 months and will continue to make it apart of my marketing strategy. I started with YouTube a few years ago. The first videos were created to explain my work in meditation retreats; to explain what the retreats were and the benefit someone might get from participating. I share coaching information and more recently, share tricks and tactics on social media e.g. Google ranking. I love creating ‘how to’ videos. I find them to be really valuable. I have a Fan page on Facebook. I’m on LinkedIn and Twitter. I have a fairly large following. What is interesting about Twitter once you’ve amassed a large following, what I would call ‘social influence’ you can bring more attention to your efforts e.g. video, blogs and guide people to what I’m up to. I converted my website onto WordPress which I highly recommend. It provides real value as I’m able to track it.

Q. What are daily/weekly exercises for entrepreneurs?

I ask all my clients to complete a ‘coaching call prep form’ before we speak each week. The prep form is a list, reporting on what you’ve accomplished since we last spoke. So there’s a record of what is actually getting done. I also ask what they intended to do but didn’t get done. There’s built in accountability. What are the challenges and problems they are currently facing? What opportunities are currently showing? We generally tease out an assignment based on our conversation. A really great weekly exercise for entrepreneurs is just planning their week in advance. Asking yourself, what are three to five things I want to get accomplished next week that would really forward my business?

Q. What type of workshops do you provide?

I offer a monthly ‘communicating and relating’ dyad workshop. It’s a practice where people are taught how to fully self-reflect, go within and share whatever comes up. So for example, if you and I were sitting down across from one another, I might ask you a question to build a relationship between us. I might say, “Tell me something you’d like to tell me.” You may think, what do I want to tell Greg? Maybe you want to share how much you really appreciate this interview today. I say, “Thank you.” Then, you give me the same question back. I might share with you that I’m noticing I’m getting an appetite and am thinking about what I want to have for lunch today. As simple as it sounds, there is something that happens over this self-reflection and self-disclosure, people actually improve their ability to communicate and relate to one another. People learn to self-reflect and communicate what arises. It’s a really powerful practice. People fall in love with themselves, because they have a deeper understanding of who they are and who other people are. The world becomes a better place. I offer an intense three-day version of this workshop twice a year. This is a residential retreat. It’s a formal setting like a Zen retreat. We get up early and practice dyad communication practice over and over and over again throughout the three days. We practice walking and sitting meditation and…good food! It’s like learning yoga or martial arts, every time you practice you self-correct and improve your technique. It’s a simple technique that gets refined over time with practice. I teach people how to refine the practice. It’s a life changing process.

Greg Clowminzer is both a successful entrepreneur and life coach. He is a passionate truth-seeker, known as the “Zen Coach” he brings self-realization and spiritual teaching to a successful business and life coaching practice. An avid writer, you can find online coaching tips published on “Daily Wisdom.” To subscribe to Daily Wisdom, send a blank email to: DailyWisdom-on@letters.webvalence.com.

How To Succeed In Business: Meditate

Overwhelmed?   Stressed Out?   Feel Isolated?

The key to success in business is the ability to stay focused, make great decisions, and take appropriate action while fostering creativity.

Meditation devotees include junk-bond-king-turned-philanthropist Mike Milken; Bill George, the former Medtronic (Charts, Fortune 500) CEO; ad industry mogul Renetta McCann; and NBA coach Phil Jackson. Silicon Valley is full of meditators, such as Marc Benioff, the CEO of Salesforce.com (Charts), and Larry Brilliant, head of Google’s philanthropic efforts.

How To Create Killer Content For Online Success

I was talking with a coaching client yesterday and we started to brainstorm ways to create killer content for online success without having type 120-150 words per minute and put out some valuable content. Check out the video to hear what we came up with. And if you have any idea you would like to share please leave your comments below.

Thanks for the inspiration Lou.