10 Reasons to Hire a Coach For Your Business

You can’t solve tomorrow’s issues with yesterday’s strategies. An experienced Coach helps you develop the capacity to handle the increased complexity of your world.

The Coach is trained to help you identify what’s important now and in the future as you create business results. Leveraging your time is critical. Short, focused coaching sessions move you forward quickly. Read more

Key Distinctions for Entrepreneurs to Get

Work on business versus work in business
This is Michael Gerber’s distinction (from The E-Myth). Basically, it means that entrepreneurs are wise to not just work in their business, but that the real money and success comes from working on their business. They’re working in their business when they’re thinking like an employee, doing tasks that they can do but that others should be doing, being busy bees, working really hard, etc. Read more

Project Planning Checklist For Both Personal And Professional Goals

Project planning is a powerful process for achieving both personal and professional goals.

The process of goal-setting helps you choose where you want to go in work and in life and project planning is how you are going to get there. By knowing exactly what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. You’ll also quickly spot the distractions that would otherwise lure you from your desired outcome.

More importantly than this, proper goal-setting and project planning can be incredibly motivating, and as you get into the habit of setting and achieving goals, you’ll find your self-confidence builds fast.

Download The Project Planning Worksheet ==>> Click Here Read more

Best Business Practices Are Changing, Are You?

Are you following the advice of business and marketing experts to grow your business and still not getting the results you desire?   Well you may want to step back and take a look at the bigger picture. We are currently going through a major shift in consciousness and it is having a huge impact on how best practices will ultimately change the way you are doing business in a dramatic way.

It seems to me that we are coming to the end of an era that is predominately influenced by what I call masculine energy and entering a new era where feminine energy is having her way with us. Trust me this will continue to impact the way we do business for the rest of our lives.

Please share your comments or thoughts below!



Top 15 Ways to Build Your Subscriber List


Email marketing can be profitable for any business, no matter what kind of product or service you offer. It is significantly cheaper than other advertising methods and, if done right, helps build loyalty and trust with customers. As a result, you generate more sales and more profits!

The foundation for successful email marketing is a targeted, permission-based email list. Marketers call contact lists their “goldmine” because it can generate much of their sales revenue. If you’ve built up a list of opt-in subscribers that are qualified and interested in what you have to offer, then you’ve completed the first step and are on your way. Now it’s time to “mine” for gold! Read more

Google Alerts Lets You Know Who’s Talking About You

If you are not familiar with Google Alerts I would highly recommend checking it out. You can be notified about any information moving around on the web. For example I have Google Alerts set for my name Greg Clowminzer and it tells me if there is anything on the web being posted with my name in it.

I was alerted that a past client of mine was talking about their experience of something we talked about years ago. What I had shared with him was about establishing boundaries and fully communicating what is arising for you in your relation to others. Along with a series of steps to help with the practice of communicating what IS and IS not OK in to say or do in your personal space. Read more

“Awesomely Simple” Book Review

What if you could have the accumulated knowledge of 20 years of business consulting experience and 200 business books in the palm of your hand? That’s exactly what John Spence has done with “Awesomely Simple”. Watch the summary to see how you can put John’s 6 principles to work and make YOUR business “awesomely simple”.

You can find more great book reviews at http://www.polarunlimited.com/readitfor-me/

Affordable Outsourcing For Small Business Owners

If you’re like me you are on complete information overload. With today’s technology, there are many ways to market your business. There is something new every day. LinkedIn, Squidoo, Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, Articles, Blogging, Email Marketing, and the list goes on and on. Read more